Victorian public figures from across the political divide gathered in Melbourne to pay tribute to "rock star" Labor MP Jane Garrett, who died from cancer aged 49 in July.
Look back on how the memorial service unfolded in our live blog.
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Live updates
By Joseph Dunstan

That's all for the live blog today
Thinking of Jane's family & friends. RIP x
- Natty
Thanks for reading along as we've covered Victoria's final farewell to Jane Garrett.
By Joseph Dunstan

'Champion of her values'
A strong supporter of regional Victoria especially East Gippsland. A champion of her values and the Labor cause. Sadly missed by the community and her colleagues.
- Cr Mark Reeves
While not everyone could make it to today's memorial service in Brunswick, Jane Garrett's contribution to regional Victoria is also being remembered.
Ms Garrett was most recently a member for the Eastern Victoria region in the state's upper house.
By Joseph Dunstan

That concludes the memorial service for Jane Garrett
That's the end of the service today, as Ms Garrett's family remain to thank the wellwishers packed into the hall to honour a woman remembered as a "rock star" MP who lived her life by her values.
If you'd like to share a tribute, you can leave a comment here on the blog.
By Joseph Dunstan

A woman whose 'integrity, courage and love' lives on
Luba Grigorovitch recalls how Ms Garrett would multi-task and return phone calls while jogging — "although in fairness she was only a little bit breathless during our phone calls".
She says Ms Garrett's family roles were "her most important work".
"Through the rough and tumble of public political life, the Jane that I saw, through my own eyes, was a woman for whom being a mother was everything," she says.
"I know that her and James's kids mattered above all else … I want to offer the three of your some comfort beyond hugs and tears and I think the best way of doing that is to look around this beautiful people and to see all the people that are here today.
"They were impressed and they loved your mother. She was held in incredibly high regard and affection by a community that recognised integrity and courage when they saw it.
"Your mother's integrity, courage and love will always be with the three of you."
A photo montage set to Paul Kelly's Leaps and Bounds then runs through highlights from the late MP's life.
By Joseph Dunstan

A straight-talker with an infectious 'love for humanity'
Luba Grigorovitch says she'll miss the "honest, straight talking" feedback Jane Garrett offered.
"With Jane, what you saw was what you got, and that can be so rare in political life," she says.
She says outside politics, Ms Garrett was a "one-eyed Carlton supporter", a tragic for Elton John and recently learnt to recite all the latest Taylor Swift songs so she could bond with her daughters on the drive to school each day.
"Jane loved making people happy — she was fun, she was charismatic, she could literally speak to anyone, anywhere.
"She was the life of the party … because Jane's love for humanity, for others, was infectious."
Ms Grigorovitch says nobody was as "bubby" or "sparkly" as Jane in conversation.
"Jane radiated goodness, kindness, optimism and compassion," she says.
By Joseph Dunstan

'Jane was a rock star'
In recognition of Jane Garrett's deep commitment to the union movement, rail union figure Luba Grigorovitch steps up for a tribute.
"We were all touched by her special brand of star power and her big heart of love," she says.
Ms Grigorovitch says she was a volunteer in Ms Garrett's 2010 campaign for the seat of Brunswick.
"Her campaign office was always buzzing, she would welcome new and old volunteers like they were long-lost friends," she says.
"Jane had this ability to instantly make you feel as though you were part of the family … Jane was a rock star.
"She was incredibly inclusive and generous … and she always saw the best in people."
Never aloof or elitist, Ms Grigorovitch says the late MP reached out to nurture and support young women around her.
"I was lucky to be one of them … Jane changed the course of my life," she says.
"[She] gave me the courage to lead when others believed I was too young."
By Joseph Dunstan

Tim Rogers pays tribute to 'million megawatt smile'
Musician Tim Rogers steps up for a performance of Heavy Heart.

Before opening, he recalls meeting a young teenaged Jane Garrett and being struck by her "million megawatt smile".
"I had an inkling that she was someone to be watched forever, to be respected and never to be crossed," he says.
By Joseph Dunstan

Jane Garrett's loving friendships remembered
Former Labor MP for Wendouree, Sharon Knight, says being friends with Jane was "really something".
"If you were lucky enough to be loved by Jane, then you were very lucky indeed," she says.
Ms Knight recalls how her friend would always ask her: "So, Shaz, what do you think?"
She says Jane Garrett was always among the most active of her colleagues, her days filled with work for her constituents.
She says Ms Garrett at one stage decided to match her up and "end my single life", ultimately playing a role in her meeting with her husband.
Their friendship continued as they built their young families.
"She was always so interested in our kids, what they were doing, who they were seeing," she says.
"We always stood by each other and supported each other through some very trying times both professionally and personally."
She says her friend always stayed strong "even when she was consumed by fear".
In closing, Ms Knight says while she doesn't believe in the idea of a Heaven, she hopes she's wrong in this instance, and Jane Garrett can turn to her as she shows her around and ask: "So Shaz, what do you think?"
By Joseph Dunstan

Steve Bracks delivers tribute to Jane Garrett
Former Labor premier Steve Bracks says he first met Ms Garrett 22 years ago when she joined his office.
"Jane thrived in that pressure-cooker environment," he says.
"She could talk to anyone with a confidence and authority that belied her age."
He said she'd go "head to head" with government authorities with respect and confidence.
"A brilliant mind, principled, compassionate, courageous, and she had the best sense of humour and the best laugh," he says.

Mr Bracks says he wasn't surprised when she launched her own political career.
"She lived and breathed politics," he says.
The last few years and the cruel return of cancer did not prevent her from living out her final time with conviction, Mr Bracks says.
"Jane knew how to live, she knew every moment mattered," he says.
"Well before her breast cancer diagnosis, she knew life is precious and precarious.
He says her legacy resides in her contributions to public life as well as her family.
"Most importantly, she lives on in [her children] Molly, Sasha and Max," he says.
By Joseph Dunstan

A career spanning law, politics and unions
Mr Gepp takes a moment to run through Jane Garrett's formidable resume, labelling her a "force of nature".
Her political career included work as an adviser to then-premier Steve Bracks from 2000 to 2004.
She then worked as a lawyer at Slater and Gordon from 2004 to 2010.
Ms Garrett was then elected to the City of Yarra council in 2008, serving as mayor in 2010.
She entered Victorian parliament in 2010 as the MP for Brunswick, a seat she represented up to 2018, when she moved to the state's upper house.
By Joseph Dunstan

'One of Victoria's most respected daughters'
Labor MP Mark Gepp opens the state memorial to "one of Victoria's most respected daughters".
"It's fitting that we do so at the Brunswick Town Hall, in a neighbourhood that's proudly been the stomping ground of the Garrett family for many years," he says.
He says if Ms Garrett was here today, she'd be saying "mate, just focus on the dash" of her life and not the pain of losing her at the "ridiculously young" age of 49.
He describes her early years as a talented student at school, who then leapt into student politics at university.
"Jane's sense of fairness and equality was also developing during these years," he says, noting she and her parents, a teacher and Baptist minister, would often discuss politics at the table.
By Joseph Dunstan

A full house for Jane Garrett at Brunswick
The service is about to get underway at Brunswick Town Hall in Melbourne's inner north.

We've seen former premiers including Jeff Kennett and John Brumby arrive, along with plenty of current MPs from the major parties and crossbench.
By Joseph Dunstan

Family suggests donations to The Smith Family
Instead of flowers, Jane Garrett's family has asked the public to consider donating to The Smith Family, who support children living in disadvantage.
Ms Garrett is survived by her husband James and her children Molly, Sasha and Max.
By Joseph Dunstan

A politician who 'always stuck to her beliefs'
State political reporter Richard Willingham takes a quick look back at Jane Garrett's career:
Jane Garrett was a passionate and principled politician, which in the cut-and-thrust world of politics made her many friends, as well as enemies.
After being elected in 2010 to the state seat of Brunswick, Jane Garrett was seen as a rising star by some in her party. Alongside Wade Noonan, she conducted a review of the 2010 election loss which identified areas for improvement.
Once in government, Garrett was appointed to Cabinet as Minister for Emergency Services, Consumer Affairs and Gaming & Liquor Regulation.
It was in the former portfolio that she grabbed the most headlines.
She had a major falling out with the firefighters union and later the Premier over a controversial EBA for firefighters in the CFA. The rising star was soon on the outer, and she was forced out of Cabinet.
To some, she was applauded for taking a principled stance against something she thought was detrimental to the state, to others she had undermined the government.
Those closest to her say she was always willing to take time for others, and always stuck to her beliefs.
By Joseph Dunstan

Former premier Steve Bracks to lead tributes
Today's service will be MC'd by Labor MP Mark Gepp, a close friend of Jane Garrett.
Former Labor premier Steve Bracks — for whom Ms Garrett worked as an adviser — will begin the tributes.
He'll be followed by former Labor MP Sharon Knight, before a musical tribute by Tim Rogers.
Rail, tram and bus union leader Luba Grigorovitch will deliver the final tribute.
By Joseph Dunstan

Flags flying half-mast in tribute to Jane Garrett
The Australian flag is flying half-mast at all Victorian public buildings today, as the state farewells the late Labor MP.
By Joseph Dunstan

A Brunswick farewell for Jane Garrett
The service honouring Jane Garrett's contribution to public life is being held at the Brunswick Town Hall, starting at 11am.
Ms Garrett was the state member for Brunswick from 2010 to 2018.
Before that, she served as councillor and mayor at the City of Yarra.