Jamie Webster’s performance at On The Waterfront showcased his musical powers.
For some, it may have seemed his journey from touring the pubs of Merseyside to performing at packed out gigs across the country peaked at his show at the M&S Bank Arena last year. But, by his own admission, there was a sense of unfinished business due to his set being cut short due to reports of safety issues.
On the first night of Liverpool’s four day music festival, Jamie firmly put that sense of frustration to bed, with a performance which marked his achievements and paid tribute to his hometown. He commanded the adoring crowd who hung by his every word.
READ MORE: 29 best dressed people at On the Waterfront as Jamie Webster headlines first night
Music, politics and life are intrinsically linked for Jamie, going seamlessly from the fast-paced Going Out to a powerful monologue before Davey Kane about his thoughts on the justice system.
But despite these themes of poverty, mental health and a broken political system, the gig radiated joy and defiance. At one stage Jamie asked the crowd to tone down the anti-government chants for a brief period, reminding them that these events are meant to offer a break from everyday life too.
He said: “This is our escape and no one will be able to take it away from you.” Furthermore, he showed his range as a songwriter too.
Many of Jamie’s hits, including his new single Voice Of The Voiceless, centre heavily around the injustice of everyday life. But he is just as comfortable singing Something In The Air, a love song dedicated to his fiancée, as well as covering the 1980s hit This Must Be The Place with Brooke Combe.
It was a great day at the festival overall. The Kairos, Reignmaker and Brooke Combe made the most of their time on stage, showcasing an exciting new era of indie and pop music.

They are all artists that Jamie has had as support acts on his tours, demonstrating his commitment to giving others in the industry a helping hand. Michael Head and The Red Elastic Band brought an example of Merseyside’s musical heritage which has plenty of life left in it yet.
The first day also showcased how great it is to have music back in the city centre, and the Pier Head in particular. Much like Eurovillage, thousands gathered in the sun and enjoyed time with their mates and a great showcase of music.
If there’s anything to be learned in the last few months, it’s that Liverpool is more than capable of hosting the biggest acts and events in music and wider culture. Let’s hope these last few months, including tonight, are the start of something special in that regard.
But tonight was rightfully centred on Jamie, how he got here and his love of Liverpool. A moment that stuck out to me was him urging the crowd to believe in themselves, no matter what their situation.
Jamie said: “Never give up. It all started with my mates coming down the boozer.” And, the 12,000 capacity crowd all belting out “My City, My People, My Heart” will stick with me for a long time.
An unexpected cover of In My Life by The Beatles, as well as Ferry Cross The Mersey playing as the crowd headed home, cemented the gigs feel.
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