Jacob Rees-Mogg has denied being 'out of touch', despite getting a bracelet made from the mane of Wellington's horse for Christmas.
The posh Tory Commons Leader described the £5,100 trinket as "the best present" in an interview with the Telegraph.
He also insisted being able to pay people to change his children's nappies didn't make him out of touch.
Asked about being branded a "deadbeat dad" because he'd never changed a nappy, Mr Rees-Mogg said: "That doesn’t mean that Helena does all these things, very bluntly because I pay other people to do them.
"I mean, I make no bones about it, we have a very fortunate life.”

Asked whether that made him out of touch, he said no.
“I always think there’s a bogusness about assuming that you have to lead exactly the same life as people to understand the life that they lead," he said. "I think you can do that by meeting people, by talking to people and by listening to people.
“Did Churchill understand what people thought? Yes, very well. How many nappies did he change?”

Mr Rees-Mogg also revealed his wife gave him a £5,100 horsehair bracelet made from the mane of the Duke of Wellington's horse, Copenhagen.
The Duke rode Copenhagen throughout the Napoleonic wars - including some 18 hours during the Battle of Waterloo.
The famous charger died in 1836, and was buried with full military honours.
Mr Rees-Mogg said he spotted the costly trinket in an auction and told wife Helena: “If you’re short of a present for me, this is absolutely the thing.”

And he dismissed descriptions of class as "degrading."
"I cannot bear the term ‘ordinary people’," he said.
"Because there’s no such thing as an ordinary person. The whole plan of God’s creation is that we are individuals.”