1. KATABA knife
All my favourite knives are from Kataba, handmade by expert craftsmen in Japan. It’s a wonderful shop to visit, full of beautiful, special things, and the knives should last a lifetime. From £98 (katabahamono.com)
2. Subscription to Luncheon magazine
When I was young I was an avid buyer (and occasional stealer) of magazines. Now I mostly find them very dull, except the wonderful Luncheon, which addresses beauty in art, fashion and food and is in itself a beautiful, provocative object. £50 (luncheonmagazine.com)
Gala is a jeweller whose work I covet and admire. She has a really long waiting list for commissions, which makes her work all the more desirable. Perhaps one for next Christmas… POA (galacolivetdennison.com)
I very rarely find lamps or pendants I like. The handpainted table lamps from Palefire are beautiful, tactile and unique; I really like them. £475 (palefirestudio.com)
5. Hellfire, by Black Midi (vinyl)
My favourite album this year, by one of my favourite bands. Great cover art. Bigger is better obviously, and the vinyl sounds exceptional. £23.99, at roughtrade.com
6. PERFUMER H scented candle
I have a faintly obsessive interest in scent, and Perfumer H builds some of the most addictive. Possibly file this under the list of gifts I’d rather like to give myself, if I could afford it. From £55 (perfumerh.com)
7. Cooking, by Jeremy Lee
So many recipe books get published, yet there are so few I’d want to cook from, fewer still I’d want to read. Jeremy’s book is a superb collection of things you’d want to eat, clear instruction in how to make them and magical, imaginative writing. £30 (HarperCollins)
8. Small Fires, by Rebecca May Johnson
The most compelling book about cooking I’ve read this year, perhaps ever. Rebecca is a writer of extraordinary intelligence and wit, and I would push this book with feverish enthusiasm into the hands of anyone who spends time in the kitchen. £14.99 (pushkinpress.com)
9. TEA SCHOOL TASTING SESSION at Postcard Teas I drink a lot of tea at home, but never enjoy it nearly so much as when I’m sitting at Postcard, on the receiving end of a masterclass in tea origin and terroir. Utterly transportative. £15-30 (postcardteas.com)
10. KOUTTONE panettone
Between me and my parents we make absolutely everything for the Christmas table — especially the magnificent Christmas cake and pudding, which we slowly demolish over several days. The exception is a panettone, which, after a single disastrous attempt, I’ve never tried to make myself. Instead I buy mine from the incredible baker Cem Altinsoy’s Kouttone. The best I’ve ever eaten, hands down. Taking orders @kouttone.uk