Supporters of Donald Trump failed to draw a crowd for a Saturday rally seeking to rewrite Donald Trump's coup attempt ahead of Wednesday's hearing by the House Select Committee Investigating the Jan. 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Forbes used the headline, "Pro-Trump 'Truth' Rally Fizzles—Draws Nearly As Many Counter-Protesters." The Daily Beast headline was "Jan. 6 'Truth' Rally at Capitol Fails Spectacularly."
"When the far-right blog The Gateway Pundit said a Jan. 6 Capitol rioter rally on Saturday afternoon would be the 'biggest to date,' crowds were expected. But instead of big crowds, the "Truth Rally" attracted around the same number of counter-protesters as rally attendees—a few dozen, at best," Zachary Petrizzo reported for The Beast.
One counter-protester shouted, "Trump is a loser, a little baby loser."
NBC News reporter Ben Collins also covered the rally.
He said the "loudest applause line today at this 1/6 Truth Rally was for a woman giving the URL for a site where you can buy 'Abolish the FBI' tee shirts."
"Nobody at this January 6th Truth Rally has really settled on if the rioters are proud of it, if they didn't do it, or if they did it and it was a setup. The theme is basically: There was no insurrection on January 6th, and we'd do it again," Collins reported.
The “Truth Rally” is off to a rough start as its electronic backdrop has some broken panels. pic.twitter.com/cfbkrmDbME
— Zachary Petrizzo (@ZTPetrizzo) September 24, 2022