A 14-year record was broken on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire on Saturday night (October 8) which left host Jeremy Clarkson gobsmacked. The tense gameshow, where contestants compete for a top prize of one million pounds, returned to TV last night with six eager participants.
Fronted by former Top Gear host Clarkson, the contestants attempt to answer fifteen questions whilst working their way up through the prize money with just a handful of lifelines to help them. But before they get a chance to sit in the hot seat, they have to first face the fastest finger first round.
Saturday's episode was the final one in the 34th series of the show and it was here that a big record was broken. Whilst taking part in fastest finger first, contestant Michelle Brook climbed to the top of the leader board.
Starting the show, Jeremy asked the players to put four birds in order of their weight, starting from the heaviest to the lightest, reports the Echo.
The options were ostrich, hummingbird, blackbird and chicken. Three of the six contestants answered the question in the correct order - ostrich, chicken, blackbird, hummingbird.
But host Jeremy was left stunned when it was revealed that Michelle had answered the question in 0.74 seconds. Sharing in the audience's round of applause, Jeremy was left looking gobsmacked.

As Michelle took a seat, Jeremy said: "I can't believe that, 0.74 seconds, that's less than a second. We've established that your fingers work very well, but what about this?", as he pointed to his brain.
Michelle said: "Hopefully the adrenaline will help, we'll see how we go."
While it wasn't announced on the show, Michelle's time of 0.74 seconds is a new record. Previously, contestant Jonathan Pash held the UK title having set a time of 0.97 seconds in May 2008.
A contestant on the Spanish version of the show currently holds the world record. Emilia Busquets answered Fastest Finger First in 0.06 seconds in November 1999.
After the show the show's official Twitter account @MillionaireUK tweeted: "Tonight's INSANELY fast Fastest Finger First from Michelle is a new UK record!! #WhoWantsToBeAMillionaire."