Horrified Love Island fans were threatening to switch off as they spotted Luca Bish sucking on Gemma Owen's toes. In Wednesday night's episode the lovestruck fishmonger got frisky with dressage rider Gemma's tootsies as they lay in bed.
The lights were off in the bedroom shared with the other Islanders but cameras picked them up getting intimate in an unusual way on the ITV2 dating contest. And viewers felt nauseous by what they saw as the couple celebrated making it through another recoupling around the firepit.
@ashlaycarter_tweeted: ""Nah get Luca and Gemma off the screen now I’m gonna vomit why is he licking her TOES ewwww." @tillymaeeee fumed: "Please never show Luca sucking Gemma's toes again."
@shaunabanksxo shouted: "I DID NOT NEED TO SEE LUCA SUCKIN GEMMAS TOES." @beididj asked: "DID I JUST SEE LUCA SUCKING TOES?"
@EmpWc demanded: "Luca get those toes out of your mouth." @kmlmkmlmkmlm cried: "I AM PERPLEXED. CANT BELIEVE MY EYES. LUCA?????? TOE SUCKING?????!!!!!!"
@feelskanyeman asked: "I'm sorry why the f*** have i just seen Luca sucking on Gemma's toes I did NOT consent." And @camrrxn said: "Me trying to understand why the producers thought it was acceptable to show Luca sucking Gemma's toes for absolutely no reason at all, we really didnt need that."
The pair have survived drama in the famous villa after fellow Islander Dami Hope attempted to read Gemma's mind about her relationship with Luca and he said her head could be turned. He told her: "You're happy with Luca right now. I feel like it would take a lot for your head to turn but there is a small chance that it probably could if something really came in that was 100 per cent you and had the chat of Luca."
He added: "I feel like that is where the confusion would probably come for you." And Gemma admitted: "Yeah, that was quite impressive. I don't think you're that far wrong."
Then there was trouble as Ekin-Su Culculoglu ran with the piece of gossip and told Paige Thorne and Jacques O'Neill, who then told Luca what Gemma had said to 'have his back.' But the pair are firmly back on track with Gemma admitting to him at the recoupling that "we could have something quite special."