Good Morning Britain viewers have been left as divided as ever as a sex education debate made its way onto the show. Richard Madeley and Susanna Reid were back at the helm for the latest instalment of the ITV news programme on Wednesday (May 18).
The duo were joined in the studio by Doctor Hilary Jones to discuss some of the latest medical headlines. But things took a different turn towards the end of the segment when Susanna turned to her co-host and said: "Richard, you have a medical question for Hilary about another issue don't you?"
Richard quickly replied: "Oh yes, if you go down to a garden centre in... I think it's Finchley... this is where they're rolling these out," as he held up a packet of condoms. "Relate say that people over 65 are in the group most likely now to be developing sexually transmitted infections so they're selling humorously packaged condoms to older people who go to garden centres. What's going on?" he asked Dr Hilary.
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Dr Hilary responded with a laugh: "A nice courgette on the front of that particular packet," before explaining that older people are more likely to be divorced these days and are therefore starting up new sexual relationships and not using protection. He added that the condoms are available at garden centres to tempt over 65s to purchase them, Richard blurted out: "But don't plant them because they won't grow!"
Dr Hilary quipped: "Different kind of seeds aren't they we're talking about," but Susanna didn't appear impressed and chipped in: "Honestly, why do we...." she said before attempting to change the subject.
But they did return to it later in the show, when Susanna and Richard were joined by journalist and author Cosmo Landesman who argued life isn't without its 'risks' and that "we should be thankful people over 65 are having sex."

However, agony aunt Caroline Buchanan says it's 'essential' that people protect themselves and each other, arguing you "may fall in love with someone totally unsuitable but at least you can protect yourself from STIs" and that it is the "kind thing to do."
But GMB viewers were left a bit unimpressed, by Richard's joke before the debate and the debate itself. @lesleyannp1 tweeted: "Richard Madeley acting and giggling like an absolute child on #GMB when discussing STIs/sex lives of over 65s. It's such an important topic."
@deadinsidegirl0 said: "Ffs why have they always got to talk about sex on daytime tv with kids watching it’s so awkward #GMB." @MacScotland4 commented: "Jebus. Having cornflakes put #GMB on, subject: Vegetable themed condoms for the over-65's - err...what?"
@vickymyster wrote: "@GMB what the hell is this on my tv? Sex Ed for over 65s I’ve just had to turn it over! Can’t be watching that with my 12 year old son. #wrong #tooearlyinthemorning #GMB."