Fiz Stape is set to become Mrs Whittaker next week on Coronation Street but as always on the cobbles nothing ever goes without a hitch. The arrival of Phill's mother Mimi throws the nuptials into chaos, and that's just for starters.
Convinced Mimi is faking her injury after she took a tumble and ended up staying with the couple, Evelyn tells Fiz she thinks she is part of a plan to sabotage the wedding. Then when Hope’s bridesmaid dress gets covered in wine and Mimi blames Cerberus, Evelyn sees red and not just wine.
As a slanging match ensues Phill’s annoyed with Fiz for not giving Mimi the benefit of the doubt over Evelyn. Then they are both stunned when a beautiful woman steps out of a car and introduces herself to Fiz as Camilla, Phill’s ex-wife.
Phill is baffled as to why she has turned up but tells Fiz he can't wait to marry her and Camilla is no threat. Meanwhile Tyrone does have feelings for his ex Fiz and spurred on by his friend Kevin he decides he needs to tell her how he feels before it is too late.
However his plan is thwarted when Fiz calls at the garage and tells her former partner that she loves him but can’t trust him and will be marrying Phill. But a game of Mr and Mrs at the hen night shakes things up again when it proves Camilla knows Phill far better than Fiz does.

Camilla insists that she and Phill are very much in love and he wants her back, and Fiz confronts Phill about emails he has sent to Camilla. Insisting he has done no such thing the finger of suspicion falls on Mimi and Phill banishes her from the house and the wedding.
As their big day arrives Fiz and Phill are shocked to learn that the registrar has been cancelled but manage to get things back on track. In a touching gesture Tyrone presents Fiz with a pair of earrings belonging to the late Vera Duckworth who was a mother figure to him.
With the wedding about to start Evelyn and Tyrone take their seats and watch as the couple prepare to take their vows. Viewers will be left wondering with so much stacked against them if it will all go to plan.

Elsewhere on Corrie Audrey Roberts has a shock in store for her dysfunctional family when she calls at number 8 with her son Stephen in tow and tells daughter Gail and grandson David that she’s updating her will and she’s calling a family meeting.
David and Sarah fuss over Audrey, each hoping for a decent slice of her estate. But as they gather at the Bistro she announces that she intends to leave all her money to WARTS, the Weatherfield Association of Retail Traders, in memory of her beloved late husband Alfie.
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