The famous cobbles are awash with tears on next week's Corrie as Emma Brooker leaves Weatherfield and Fiz Stape moves out of 9 Coronation Street. And viewers will be left wondering if Emma will be leaving to make a fresh start in Australia with new love Jon Spear, or if she'll be running away from the law.
As Jon shares his plans to open a beach bar Down Under, Emma is stunned to realise she visited the same beach as a kid. And she is shocked when Jon suggests she move to Australia with him.
She tells him she will think about his idea, but doesn’t say a word to her flatmates Craig and Faye about her secret boyfriend's proposition as they arrive home. But when Jon arrives back at the flat having forgotten his phone it looks like the cat’s out of the bag when Faye looks at him in shock.
Emma has been hiding the fact that's she's in a budding relationship with the grandson of Ted, the elderly man who Emma and Faye ran down on New Year's Day during a driving lesson and later died after they took him home instead of calling an ambulance.
And Jon has no idea that his new girlfriend has been covering over her involvement in his grandfather's death.When Jon demands answers, Faye blurts out that she and Emma are responsible for his grandad’s death.

Then there's more drama for Faye, who recently found out that she's expecting Craig Tinker's baby, when she tells Emma she thinks she is losing the baby. At the hospital, Craig and Faye await the scan results but are shocked by what they are told.
Elsewhere, as Toyah comes to terms with the news about Imran and Abi she has to make some decisions about what to do about Elsie’s adoption. And Abi’s surprised to find Toyah in the neonatal unit gazing at baby Alfie in his incubator.
Imran says an emotional goodbye to Elsie before telling Abi he will help her fight to keep her son. Toyah reveals social services have reported him to the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority for his involvement in Abi’s custody battle.

Also, there's heartache for Tyrone as Fiz leaves the cobbles with new man Phill.
Love cheat Tyrone tells her she deserves a fresh start in a big house with a garden for the girls and waves her off. But his smile hides his pain.
There are devastating scenes as Gary visits Laura in hospital and is shocked at her deterioration. With tears in her eyes, Laura admits that she’d give anything to be able to hug her daughter Kelly. And Gary sets out to persuade Kelly to go and visit her mum one last time.