Coronation Street fans felt sick as Alya Nazir and newcomer Daryan were subjected to racist abuse in Monday night's episode. Troubled teen Max Turner has been lured in by eco-warrior Griff as part of a harrowing new grooming storyline.
Viewers have been disturbed to see Max turn on his sweet new friend Daryan, who is from Iraq, and his boss Alya Nazir at Speed Daal restaurant after being influenced by love interest Lauren, who was introduced to him by Griff. In horrifying scenes Alya was confronted by racist Griff after she faced up to Max over his treatment of Daryan.
"I see you speak English so read my lips," snarled Griff. "What?" asked a stunned Alya as she struggled to take in what she had just heard.
And Griff continued with his vile tirade, saying: "Stop harassing young lads in the street alright? it's weird and take you're little migrant mate and stay away."
Later, Griff rounded up his cronies to gang up on Alya. Then in upsetting scenes Daryan was chased and physically attacked by the masked group as he left the restaurant after working late. "You don't belong here," they told him.

Viewers took to Twitter to vent their upset. @fussyMcWhiskers exclaimed: "I've had enough of this racist storyline #corrie! Absolutely VILE!" And @guyfoxy said: "Just outrageous this. I know you put warnings out but just not #corrie this trash."
@pam_debeauvoir complained: "I am completely sickened."@JurgensTeeth said: "This is horrible to watch. I can't stand bullies, especially racist ones." And @thomthetank tweeted: "This is horrid."
@BourkeDorothy said they were 'done' with the storyline. "Sorry I can't watch this I'm done Corrie," they tweeted. @Purplestar21 echoed: "Time to switch off Corrie. Horrible storyline once again."

@cassam101 wrote: "Oh #Corrie that was horrible and in no way entertainment." And @CHG3899 said: "Not an easy storyline to watch."
@CoHesl said: "Max was unlikable to start with, now just unpleasant to watch." @mikepriestley13 winced: "Eww they are scum." And @Cinders12345678 said with a feeling sick emoji: "How disgusting."