It was the start of a gripping week on Coronation Street as the nation's longest-running soap screened Abi Webster's attempted escape with her baby son Alfie. Drug addict Abi was recently devastated to lose custody of Alfie to his father Imran Habeeb and his new wife Toyah.
She has since been secretly plotting to flee the country to Costa Rica with fake passports, and she has received the blessing of her husband Kevin who has forgiven her for her one-night-stand with Imran. In a surprising twist Kevin agreed to help a desperate Abi to snatch her son.
In Monday night's drama Toyah prepared to set off in her car with Alfie and her sister Leanne Battersby, until she realised it wouldn't start. With perfect timing mechanic Kevin appeared to offer his help, and he suggested that Toyah should give Abi the chance to look after Alfie while she waited.
But jaws dropped as a camera homed in on Kevin mysteriously holding a car part. Corrie fans took to Twitter to cry sabotage, knowing that a catastrophic crash is about to take place this week involving Toyah and Imran.
@xxAlicia89 used a screaming-face emoji as she cried "KEVIN." @VampLover27 scolded: "Sneaky sneaky Kevin." @j_raff2021 exclaimed: "Kevin is going to sabotage this car!"

@Elizabeth241072 gasped: "Oooooh!!!!!! Did Kev contrive the situation." @Thecaseisalter1 said: "Can I say Kevin that tampering with someone else's car in the street is a criminal offence." And @Gemma42981517 asked: "Kevin has played with their car engine hasn’t he?"
@itzzzo_ tweeted: "Kevin can he fix it? No he can’t!!" @DionPetrie asked: "They didn’t think that was weird the car doesn’t work and suddenly Kevin appears." And @mishybabez_ said: "Kevin the sneaky mechanic."
Later fans were screaming again as Imran called round to see Abi with Alfie. And there was a cliffhanger as he spotted her suitcase and found Alfie's passport.

@j_raff2021 tweeted: "OMG! Imran finds a passport for Alfie! Abi is so dead. Find out tomorrow night!" @moore95_pamela asked: "Now why wasn't that fake passport not in your bag Abi?"
@ItsAlitha yelled: "The suitcase behind Alfies head." @CxxPIPxx fumed: "Ffs why did Abi let Imran in?? He's gonna clock the suitcase." And @DionPetrie said: "You should have gave Kevin the suitcases."
In a change to usual transmission times the soap will air half an hour episodes every night this week at 7.30pm as fans follow the shocking consequences of the fight for the custody of baby Alfie. As the battle for Alfie intensifies between parents Abi and Imran, residents of the street will face the consequences.
Monday night's episode started with a flashforward of Imran, who framed Abi to make it appear as though she was still using drugs, leaving a chilling message for Toyah in which he revealed everything.
With emotions boiling over Abi, Kevin, Imran and Toyah will go head to head. And as questions start to be asked about how the crash happened Abi and Kevin find themselves under suspicion from the police.