Coronation Street fans were thrilled to see a much-loved character back on the cobbles 19 years after his exit from the ITV soap. Eco-warrior Spider Nugent, played by Martin Hancock, unexpectedly reappeared in his ex Toyah Habeeb's life in the middle of a protest during Friday night's episode (July 1).
The legendary character returned to the street during a noisy protest against waste incineration led by Toyah just weeks after her husband Imran Habeeb died in a car crash. Toyah and a gang of protestors successfully blocked in the council bin wagon on Victoria Street.
As Toyah jumped into the cab of the bin wagon, a hat-wearing figure picked his way through the protest group and clambered into the cab next to her. Toyah was gobsmacked to see it was her ex boyfriend who said he had seen her call-out message to the activist community.
As the pair reminisced Toyah broke down about being on bail after being arrested for murder following Imran's death to a sympathetic Spider. After he told her he needed to find somewhere to stay for the night she invited him to stay over.
There were awkward scenes when Toyah and Imran's former foster daughter Kelly Neelan arrived at the flat to see the pair sharing a hug. Then there was an unexpected twist as Spider waited until Toyah was out of earshot before taking a mysterious phone call which sounded like the formerly affable character is up to no good.

"Sorry I couldnt make it today something turned up," he told the recipient of the call. "The plan's still on. Let's do this. I'll call you tomorrow."
Some viewers were less than impressed with his return storyline, with @miss1katy complaining on Twitter: "I do love having Spider back again even if he obviously has secret plans coming and Toyah's reaction was great. But just found it a bit cringy how he suddenly turned up like that and just hopped in the van!!
"Would he even really see a random message being posted out to everyone on Toyah's list like that when she must have done that type of thing before?! Also didnt they have a messy breakup off screen and had been apart for so long now yet seems like they're acting like they're best friends with Toyah suddenly telling him everything in 1 go."

@FieldPat tweeted: "#Corrie. Dear god - this drivel tonight was beyond embarrassing. The protest alone was toe curling just to get Spider back??" And @davey177s said: "Spider's back but must of been living in Rosamond St as he not half rocked up quickly after Toyah sent one text to organise the protest."
Others wondered why there was no mention of his 'Auntie Em' Emily Bishop, who left in 2016 to do charity work in Peru and to see her nephew. @CaterkleenDavid wondered: "Where Aunti Emily, she went off to visit Spider, have they forgotten?" And @lewispringle asked: "Spider’s back!!! But where is Auntie Em?"
@Hotcoffeeeyes tweeted: "He has to surely mention her at some point." And @EAACJ asked: "Why nobody mention how Emily was doing?"
Others are worried that Spider may have returned as a villain. @sophie_writer1 pleaded: "DO NOT MAKE SPIDER DODGY." Martin played Spider between 1997 and 2003. The character left Weatherfield to start afresh together in London before splitting. Viewers last heard that Spider had fled to Peru while Toyah returned to the cobbles in 2016.
And fans agreed that the Weatherfield favourite hasn't changed. @marleyj48905500 told the soap: "It's lovely to see him! I always liked his character! He seems to have barely aged!" @mart79458924 wrote: "Spider looking young as ever great to see him back hope to see more of him." And @STrimnell said: "He hasn't changed a bit looks the same age as before."