Corrie viewers have been worried for Peter Barlow as he embarks on a revenge mission against evil surgeon Henry Thorne. Peter's liver transplant storyline from last year is being revisited on Coronation Street following a shocking discovery by nurse Aggie Bailey.
The recovering alcoholic had the life-saving liver transplant last year but Aggie overheard her boss Thorne gloating to a colleague how he rushed Peter’s operation in order to win the bet, and it emerged that he had taken selfies with the liver in the operating theatre. Last week, Peter managed to record Thorne confessing to malpractice on a dictaphone.
When Thorne realised what Peter had done, he offered a deal of £100,000 in return for the voice recording being destroyed. As Peter was urged by his loved-ones to consider the offer, Thorne bumped into his son Simon who handed him their bank details and the dictaphone believing he was doing the right thing.
Once a furious Peter checked his account, Simon realised he had been played and that Thorne was never going to transfer the money. And in Wednesday's episode the drama took another twist as they awaited the verdict on Thorne from the General Medical Council and Carla urged Peter to be grateful for his health and focus on their future.
Thorne met Peter in the pub and ordered him not to undo all his skilled work and embrace the second chance he has to live. But as Thorne got into his car Peter could no longer contain his rage and angrily confronted him.

Thorne was on his way to a golf session when he spotted a raging Peter and locked his car doors from the inside. But Corrie viewers were amused when, after screaming at him to get out of the car, Peter marched to the car boot, removed one of his golf irons and smashed his window.
Fans were baffled and took to Twitter to have their say. I_am_KenBarlow said: "#Corrie How does Thorne lock the car doors but still have the boot able to open?" @GregDav94758992 asked: "Can't you just climb in through the boot, Peter?"
@TweetieeTy asked: "Why wasn't his boot locked?" And @WilliamWillh pointed out: "Generally when you lock your car doors your boot locks also!" Viewers are also confused as to why Peter can't drop his vendetta and are concerned he's risking a stint in prison.
@TVBird01 said: "This whole Peter Barlow storyline is getting on my last nerve. Yes his surgeon is a d*** but he’s also just been saved from the brink of death. Not massively believable."
@penniless_poet commented: "Not only has Peter lost the plot - this plot has lost the plot." @Dayjur11 said: "Criminal damage, assault, blackmail. Peter should be doing a five stretch after this."
@RyanGSoapKing11 said: "Thorne has a point - Peter is still alive despite Thorne betting on Peter's operation." And @paulbellis tweeted: "I don’t get this Peter Barlow reaction to his surgeon. If somebody saved my life I wouldn’t be a***d if he had a bet on it, or took some photos. This story doesn’t seem believable imo." But @j_raff2021 cheered: "Go Peter!" And @xxAlicia89 exclaimed: "Go on Peter, destroy him!!"