Mild-mannered Speed Daal chef Stu Carpenter was revealed as a murderer in shock scenes on Friday night. Viewers were left reeling from the news and his horrified love interest Yasmeen Metcalfe told her granddaughter Alya she never wants to see Stu again.
Soap watchers previously saw Stu come face-to-face with his daughter Bridget after Yasmeen tracked down her address. But he received a less than warm welcome with Bridget ordering her dad to leave in the ITV soap.
Later Stu mysteriously told Yasmeen that it was the wrong address, leaving fans wondering what Stu was hiding. And his secret was revealed when the Gazette wanted to do a story about the restaurant's leftover food plans.
After being splashed all over the Gazette Stu was horrified to see his ex-wife, Lucy, at Speed Daal. She ordered Stu to stay away from Bridget and dropped a bombshell secret from Stu’s past as she reminded her ex aboutCharlie Walter, a young girl he murdered.
As Lucy strode out of the restaurant, Stu protested his innocence, explaining to Yasmeen and Alya that he was wrongly imprisoned for the murder. Yasmeen orders him out of the restaurant and was soon seen catching up with Lucy in Victoria Garden where she revealed how Stu confessed to having an affair with a young waitress and killed her.

In Monday night's episode his friend Kelly Neelan vowed to get Stu’s side of the story and she and Aadi Alahan found Stu lying in the street, drunk and barely conscious. At the hospital, feeling worthless and insisting Kelly is best off without him, Stu barked that she’s a nuisance who’s not welcome anymore and the teen left feeling upset and rejected.
As Kelly fled, Corrie fans agreed with her that Stu is innocent and they have a theory that Stu is covering for someone else over the murder, and they think that person is his daughter. @mint250 tweeted: "Stu definitely didn't do it think he covered for someone."
@VampLover27 wrote: "I reckon his daughter killed her and he covered for her like any parent would." And @joy9kat said: "Stu is obviously going to be proved innocent. For Christmas of course."
@Beckie_Miller_ tweeted: "He obviously didn’t do it." @xxAlicia89 wrote: "I believe Stu is innocent, there's more to this story surely.. looking forward to seeing more of it unfold." And @unsworth1live tweeted: "#Corrie I think Stu believed his daughter killed that girl & confessed to protect her."
@mikepriestley13 asked: "Do you think Stu did commit murder or was he protecting his daughter who might of done it?" @theypd echoed: "Stu definitely never done it. Probably his daughter did." And @tamlizann asked: "Is Stu covering taking the blame for daughter Bridget?"
@CxxPIPxx typed: "Stu's daughter killed Charlie when she discovered the affair and he confessed to cover for her." And @kellymew_ said: "Stu’s ex wife or daughter found out about the affair and one of them killed the girl and he knows it so admitted to the crime to protect them."
The character, played by Bill Fellows, made his first appearance in Corrie last year. He quickly became a hero as the homeless man who found the evidence that brought Corey Brent to justice for Seb Franklin's horrific murder.

On Wednesday, out of hospital, Stu turns up at Speed Daal to speak to Yasmeen but her grandson Zeedan sends him packing. Later, Yasmeen arrives home to find Stu retrieving his watch from his old room and she surreptitiously presses 'call' on her phone to alert Zeedan.
Having received Yasmeen’s SOS, Zeedan bursts into number 6 with PC Craig Tinker Craig in tow. Craig arrests him for breach of the peace.