Summer Spellman was celebrating a big birthday on Coronation Street as she turned 18. The troubled teen was treated to a slap-up meal for her special day by her three dads Billy Mayhew, Paul Foreman and Todd Grimshaw, and fans had plenty to say as she had a typically gloomy time on the cobbles.
Over her celebratory lunch at Speed Daal, Billy handed Summer a letter which her late dad Drew Spellman had asked him to give her on her 18th. Far from being thrilled, Summer was scared of opening the letter and ended up walking out on her lunch.
She was in for another unnerving surprise when Billy revealed to the diabetic teen that her nurse had called to confirm she was eligible for a glucose monitor. Summer was upset that Billy and her boyfriend Aaron Sandford had gone behind her back.
After rowing with Aaron she met her friends at the cafe and was presented with a vegan carrot cake made for her by Nina Lucas. But the thoughtful treat failed to bring a smile to her face and she walked out again saying she was in no mood for a party.
Fans of the soap were left scratching their heads over her age including @Sally33903769 who remarked on Twitter about the balloons blunder that said she was '81': "Summer I think 81 was more accurate." @DanHarvey74 joked: "Summer's not having much fun on her 40th is she?" and @Willswhinge asked: "Summer is only 18? Then how come she always sounds like a miserable old woman?"

Meanwhile @laurenldugdale puzzled: "And if Aadi and Summer were doing their GCSEs together why isn’t Aadi 18? Unless he’s 18 by Wednesday?" and @littlesprite_ tweeted: "Summer is in the same year as Amy and Asha so they’re all 18 right? I thought Aadi and Asha were twins which makes him 18 too but they’re saying they’re 17?
@EnfieldGarry joked: "It’s Summer’s birthday, oh the joy." While @floweroflondon said: "Summer fully embracing the birthday mood ...oh." And @itzzzo_ said: "Happy birthday" expect it's Summer so just 'birthday'?"
@homebrew19721 observed: "That letter from her dad as made Summer even more miserable." But @minisheldini said: "Despite the constant drama between them, Todd, Paul and Billy all loving Summer like a daughter is adorable." And @RyanGSoapKing11 said "I like Billy and Summer's bond."
Summer, who lives with the eating disorder diabulimia after being diagnosed with type one diabetes last year, has been through a harrowing time while battling with her health and pressure to pass her A levels exams to get into Oxford University.
She got A*s in French and maths but failed English after being disqualified for cheating. She decided not to go to university and to get a job at the Underworld factory instead.
Then as Aaron came to collect her for their holiday she collapsed, causing them to miss their flight. Aaron was shocked to learn that she had been playing a dangerous game by skipping her insulin to control her weight.
A nurse suggested a flash monitor might be helpful - a sensor worn on the body to let people check blood sugar levels without having to prick their fingers. But she lied to Billy that she didn't qualify.