Coronation Street fans took to Twitter to express their horror after Max Turner was found trashing Daniel Osbourne's flat.
Teacher Daniel put his foot in it while talking to Max after a consent workshop at school and alluded to David Platt's rape ordeal.
Max knew nothing about what had happened to his father in 2018 and when the teen started asking questions about the comment, David explained what happened to him.
Both father and son were furious with Daniel for putting David in that position and later a vengeful Max swiped Daniel's keys.

He set about smashing the place up and accidentally broke a clay imprint of Daniel's hands alongside those of his son Bertie and his late wife Sinead, who died of cervical cancer in 2019.
Daniel returned home to discover his flat trashed with Max still inside.
When Daniel discovered the broken clay imprint he shoved Max out of the door and he tumbled down the stairs.

Daniel called an ambulance for his pupil and there was later a shock when it was revealed that Max had reported him for assult.
Horrified viewers took to Twitter to air their concern about the troubled young characters on the cobbles after 11-year-old Hope Stape hid her cousin Joseph Brown in her mum's attic.
And Emma Brooker and Faye Windass are in deep after running down an elderly man on New Year's Day.
@craggsy82 tweeted: "I'm genuinely concerned about the welfare of the kids on #corrie Off their rockers to put it mildly."
@rubyrache asked: "Why is Corrie showing bratty teenagers/kids from Hell?? Hope, and Max being the main culprits. Then you have dopey Emma, ex-con Faye. I feel like I'm watching Grange Hill."
@soph_cheekbones asked: "Are any of the kids on Corrie not bratty?"
@JosephineBorth7 questioned: "What’s wrong with the Corrie kids we’ve got No Hope and Mad Max #Corrie."
And @ginger_tabbie said: "Hate how Corrie turns the kids into vile horrors!"