On the first episode of the new series of Britain's Got Talent, viewers were left in awe as a singer from the box office smash The Greatest Showman competed. Receiving a standing ovation as she showcased her incredible talent, New York singer Loren Allred blew the judges away.
She the powerful ballad Never Enough from the 2017 musical film starring Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron, and judge Amanda Holden gave Loren the coveted golden buzzer which sends acts straight through to the semi-finals. Actress Rebecca Ferguson played the character of Swedish opera singer Jenny Lind in the movie and mimed to Loren's vocals, as she explained that people won't recognise her face.
An amazed Simon Cowell previously revealed on the ITV talent show that it was his favourite song. And he said: "So you sang one of the biggest songs of all time. You’ve revealed it wasn’t the actress who sang the song in the movie - it was you singing the song."
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But viewers took to Twitter to make the point that Loren, who in 2019 duetted with Michael Bublé on his track Help Me Make it Through the Night, already had a successful career in music.
JackAVFC77 tweeted: "No point watching #Bgt anymore, she was absolutely sensational, and will surely win it." And @allieakalulu66 commented: "She was excellent but surely that’s unfair, she sang one of the biggest songs in one of the biggest films, may as well get Adele to audition."
@CorinnaElliot said: "Unsure how and why she’s even on this show/in this competition." And @jaykedylan messaged: "Don't get me wrong I love Loren's voice but c'mon lass you've already got a career."
@pocock_louise wrote: "She’s on a British talent show but she’s not from Britain and she's already sang on one of the lost iconic films of all time." And @GAV_GWA said: "Best song in that film tbf. But she's the voice in a multimillion pound movie."
#StayHomeSaveLives joked: "Next act: Westlife singing - Flying Without Wings." And @nerdyme316 quipped: "Next time on #BGT a little known act called Elton John will be singing."

But @AreYouS69668298 said: "Ok that’s it. She can sing that every round for me." And @shanhart_ said: "I’m so happy she got the gold buzzer omfg."
@letthatlightin tweeted: "Loren Allred is a phenomenal singer and I absolutely have not watched every live performance of hers that exists on YouTube. Seriously she is a dream, she deserves the world." And @superTV247 defended: "Sorry but Loren Allred is literal proof that ghost singers deserve more. The voice of one of THE biggest songs known today, and yet nobody knows her?
"Nobody knows her face, her music? She’s deserves this Golden Buzzer as much as anybody!!!!!"