Lots of graduation ceremonies this week, as students of all ages celebrate the next big step.
Among the special ceremonies was the graduation of the class of 2022 from the AEIOU centre in Canberra for children with autism.
The 16 children aged five or six donned graduation gowns and mortar boards to make it a real celebration.

The centre in Garran has been operating for 18 months and was officially opened in August by Governor-General David Hurley.
AEIOU manager Sharni Clark said the 16 children who graduated joined the 11 who graduated last year, each one going to the next level of their education, whether to a mainstream school or special school or to home schooling.

Mrs Clark said many of the children have high support needs when they start at AEIOU, which focuses on early-intervention strategies.
"Many are completely non-verbal but they leave with a communication system, if not verbal, then being able to use something like a talking device or app," she said.
Even the venue for the graduation was significant - at Kidzplore in Fyshwick - showing how far they had come. Many could not cope with a play centre, finding it too overwhelming, but the children loved it.

Mrs Clarke said AEIOU was very proud of the children and their graduation ceremony.
"It was quite moving for a lot of our staff," she said. "It's very emotional for the families, but also the staff who have put so much time and effort into the children."
Ms Clarke said 30 children were enrolled in the centre for next year, with a fourth room due to open during 2023, bringing the enrolment to 40 children.