Light spoilers for Season 4 of Never Have I Ever ahead. If you haven’t checked out the series' final season, you can stream it with a Netflix subscription.
Over the course of Never Have I Ever’s first three seasons a constant point of hilarious conflict has been around Kamala, her love life, and her grandmother Nirmala’s disproval of basically every man she’s with. However, now that Devi’s cousin is in a serious and sweet relationship, this tension between the two gets flipped on its head in the season that just premiered on the 2023 TV schedule. While seeing Richa Moorjani’s character disprove of her grandmother as she falls in love with a new man is hilarious to watch, the actress actually revealed that her reasoning behind the goofy actions was quite serious.
Why Kamala’s Silly Storyline In Never Have I Ever Is Actually Quite Serious
While Richa Moorjani explained that her storyline this season really “was a hilarious flipping of the script,” the reasons for Kamala’s actions were actually quite serious, as she explained to CinemaBlend:
I think that Kamala becomes obsessed with this whole situation with her grandmother and this new relationship. All of it is really kind of a distraction from what's really going on in her life, which is this place she’s at where she’s been presented this opportunity of a lifetime. Throughout this series, we’ve seen how she's constantly balancing her family and her career and her own desires and needs, but always feeling like she has to please everybody around her and that means not being herself first. And I think that, as I was saying, she’s presented this opportunity but it means having to leave everything and everyone behind and put herself first. That’s why she becomes kind of crazy about this whole situation with her grandmother.
As tomfoolery ensues between Kamala, Nirmala and Len, you can’t help but laugh. It becomes even funnier when you think about how the grandmother had been doing the exact same thing to Moorjani’s character for the last two seasons, and how Kamala and Manish are one of the only couples in Never Have I Ever who are in it for the long run. However, beneath the surface, this life-changing work opportunity that’s far away from her family is really weighing on Kamala. So, to distract herself and delay her decision-making, Moorjani’s lovable character decides to try to prove that Jeff Garlin’s Len is really a con man.
Overall, this funny plot with deep undertones creates a nuanced and fun storyline that’s unlike anything we’ve seen on Never Have I Ever before. It also made for some humorous scenes that I know I’ll be thinking about for a while, and the Kamala actress revealed which one was her favorite to shoot.

Richa Moorjani Reveals Her Favorite Scene Between Kamala And Nirmala In Season 4
One of the really fun aspects of Kamala’s arc this season is all the shenanigans she gets into while trying to break up Len and Nirmala. While the laughs are pretty constant, one of the funniest scenes to Moorjani was one that involved almost the entire Never Have I Ever cast in a chaotic dinner scene. In her words:
But it was so fun to shoot all of those things. We had the most incredible – I feel like we haven't talked about him today – Jeff Garlin, who is just, wow, he's so fun to work with. He’s hilarious. I think my favorite scene was the whole scene in the grandmother's birthday episode where almost the whole cast is there and Ben is on drugs. He destroyed that apple cake. It was just all these characters coming together in this heightened moment. It was so much fun.
Not only was it fun to shoot, but it was also incredibly fun to watch. It highlights the cast’s incredible comedic timing and gives us one of the Netflix series' signature chaotic ensemble moments that are truly iconic. Moorjani also noted that working with Jeff Garlin, who returned to TV with Never Have I Ever, was a blast, explaining just how funny the comedic actor is.
In the end, Kamala and Nirmala's flipped story this season is a fresh take on a classic bit the show has been using since Season 1. It provides a fresh take on the consistent conflict in the show by having Richa Moorjani’s character being the one who was trying to break up a couple rather than her grandmother. Now, knowing the nuanced and serious meaning behind her actions only makes the arc even better.