The human body can be equal parts amazing and infuriating. For every marathon someone runs, pushing the bounds of endurance, there is a morning where your back hurts because you opened a door too aggressively.
Someone asked “What’s a crazy body life hack everyone should know?” and people shared their best examples. So get comfortable as you read through, or perhaps get up and prepare to test some of these ideas, upvote the ones that work for you and be sure to share your own thoughts and experiences below.
Stretching. Every morning when waking up. My grandpa taught me. He’s 94 now and still does everything as if he’s 50. He’s even able to run. Of course it’s also genetics, but a life filled with stretches every morning definitely doesn’t make your body worse, even if it’s just for a couple of minutes every morning!
Image credits: nigartmann
"Vagus Nerve Trick" for calming yourself down. If you're feeling super anxious or stressed, try splashing your face with cold water or holding an ice pack on your forehead and under your eyes for a few seconds. It activates your vagus nerve, which helps slow your heart rate and calm you down almost instantly. Thank me later.
Image credits: ChiefGallantry
If you get enough sleep, life is better.
Image credits: discostud1515
This is going to sound obvious but hear me out. 90% of my FREQUENT headaches went away when I started drinking more water. Crazy concept I know.
Image credits: andretheseal47
If you’re sick and pounding lots of water be sure to salt it a tiny bit. Otherwise you flush your electrolytes and get even sicker. Learned this from the ER staff when I had to be treated with IVs during a lengthy sickness.
Image credits: PeaceAlwaysAnOption
To quickly relieve a cramping calf (usually happens while sleeping) stand on your feet. Feels counter intuitive, but standing up forces your leg muscles to stretch and stop the cramping.
Image credits: mr-blister-fister
One effective body hack for managing stress is the "5-5-5" method. When you feel overwhelmed, take a moment to ground yourself by identifying five things you can see, five things you can feel, and five sounds you can hear. This quick exercise helps redirect your focus to the present moment, making it easier to calm your mind and reduce anxiety. It’s simple and can be done anywhere!
Image credits: Crafty-Bowl6718
The 20-20-20 rule for eye strain. Every 20 mins. look away from your screen, focus on something 20 feet away, do this for at least 20 secs.
Image credits: DivineHeartMuse
If you're prone to anxiety attacks, keep some really sour candies on hand. I normally take medication for anxiety attack onsets, but sometimes I forget to pack it. It works.
Image credits: Otherwise-Tune5413
If you are feeling gross brush your teeth and tongue. It's amazing how much better you'll feel with a clean mouth.
Image credits: solipsisticcompass
If you think it would be at all challenging (a simple rule would be anyone over age 50), get fully on the floor and back up again every single day.
You really don't want to fall and then realize that you can't get yourself back up and to your phone for help. Practicing so that it isn't terribly difficult ensures that you will still be able to do it even if you have a mild injury from the fall.
Most people who are falling risks are that way because they are not strong in their core. Your (excellent) suggestion will help people keep their core strong.
Image credits: PoetryOfLogicalIdeas
If you have a stuffy nose due to a cold or allergy, try doing push-ups, jumping jacks or any form of intense sudden activity. It's near-instant relief.
I always get the exact mechanism wrong, but since stuffy noses happen due to swelling in the tissue of the nose, sudden activity promotes blood flow and drainage of mucus. It's temporary, of course, but worth a try.
Image credits: loxagos_snake
It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize if you have water stuck in your ear just tilt your head and open and close your jaw a couple of times. Should clear it out in a couple of seconds.
Image credits: YungShootaCam
Okay, this sounds wild, but if you ever have a headache, try pinching the web between your thumb and index finger for a minute or two. It seriously helps relieve pain!
Image credits: nonamegirlfriend
So I just recently read that if you cant sleep, just start thinking up a dream in your head, and out you go.
Some nights I have trouble sleeping, so I decided to give this a shot, thinking it was complete b******t.
But it works. That s**t is like "Cthulhu rose from the sea, so I grabbed my lingerie clad wife and kissed her deeply, 'ill be back in no time, babe.' I grab my helmet and head toward my modified F-22. I nod towards my wing man, call sign Beastman, who is a velociraptor, and we both climb into our zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz".
Image credits: Fappy_as_a_Clam
Use your hand to dry off in the shower like a squeegee before you use the towel. You will dry much faster.
I saw this on another LPT post a couple weeks ago and have been doing it since. Genius. And every time I do it I’m just like damn, some stranger’s words during some mindless scrolling just changed my habits for life, wild
Image credits: Actuaryba
If you have lower back pain or sciatica try gluteus medius burnouts. Use a chair or table to steady yourself and raise one leg straight out to the side as high as you can and hold that until it feels like your hip is on fire and trying to cramp. Repeat on the other side. It sounds crazy but it can eliminate lower back pain instantly.
Image credits: Evan_keir
When you brush your teeth, close your eyes and stand on one foot. Alternate feet. Your balance will improve a lot.
Image credits: theLaLiLuLeLol
One crazy body life hack everyone should know is how to instantly relax your body using deep breathing. It's simple—just inhale deeply through your nose for four seconds, hold for seven, and exhale slowly for eight seconds. This technique can help reduce stress, lower your heart rate, and even help you fall asleep faster. It’s amazing how something as basic as breathing can have such a profound effect on your physical and mental well-being.
Image credits: coreyandersonn
If you need to cool down rapidly, put your wrists under cold water.
Image credits: Sun_Tzu_knowledge
Drastically reduce or eliminate alcohol intake. Your body and mind will thank you - balanced hormones, stronger immune system, better sleep, weight loss, clearer skin.
Prior to this year I would drink on average 3-4 nights per week (1-3 drinks each of those nights). There weren’t any issues with dependence or abuse, but I grew to hate my relationship with alcohol. I’m happy to report that my physical and mental health have greatly improved in just a few months since I cut back to 1-2 drinks per month (if that).
Crying is a healthy and good thing to do when you're sad. However, there are times when it's really inconvenient to cry. In those situations, controlling your breath will control your tears. Take slow, deep breaths until you feel better if you're in public. If you're in private, singing works too. Anything to alter your breathing will nip those tears right in the ducts. Just be sure to let it out and have a good cry later, when you've got the time and space to do it.
Image credits: punkinholler
When you do pullups, try to imagine yourself pulling your elbows down, not pulling your body up. It's a mental trick that can make them feel easier, because it forces you to use the muscles in your back more.
This may sound really dumb and/or gross but get one of those big bags of pitted "dried plums" (AKA prunes) from Costco and eat 4 or 5 before bed with a big glass of water.
You'll have a BM every morning, even if you ate a bunch of low-fiber s**t the day before, so you'll feel better during the day and it'll reduce your risk of colon cancer.
Image credits: IStream2
Scientists studying hiccups theorized that they are a leftover mechanism from when humans were fish and had gills. Simply remind yourself that you are not a fish and they will go away. Regardless of whether the reason is true or not, your brain will stop them. Try it next time. Say "I am not a fish, I don't need to use this anymore" to yourself, and they will go away.
Image credits: VioletRoseOfficial
If you are exhausted or feeling low that day, a 20-30 min power nap will recharge your energy for your afternoon. In Spanish culture this is called *siesta* or lunch nap, though it's common in Asia and Middle East.
Eating can interrupt the crying process. Your body has to focus on keeping a clear airway while you eat, so you aren't able to cry as easily. It's good for moments when you can't cry despite feeling sad (e.g. at work) ? I recommend Snickers bars!
Image credits: cinemachick
Eating a small snack that includes complex carbohydrates before bed, like a banana or oatmeal, can help improve sleep quality. Carbs help your brain produce serotonin and melatonin, which regulate sleep.
I think that the best crazy body life hack because we need to sleep good !!
Sleep with a pillow under your knees if you sleep flat on your back, trust me ?.
Helps align and straighten your spine, especially helpful if you work in trades. If you're a side sleeper put a pillow between your knees and it'll help a bunch.
If you feel light-headed as you stand up (orthostatic hypotension) you can squeeze any muscle as hard as you can and it will quickly raise your pulse and blood pressure so you don't black out and fall.
Image credits: love2go
Using your fingers to help with indigestion. If you press on the area between your pinky and ring finger for a minute, it can help ease bloating and discomfort. This spot is known as the small intestine point and it’s a simple way to find relief after a heavy meal, because you can do it anywhere.
Image credits: StrongBadie
If you're drunk and the room starts spinning, find a place to lay down that is against/near a wall (like a couch). Put a hand above you on the wall and the opposite foot down on the floor. The room immediately stops spinning. It's magical, but you will look a little silly. My aunt taught me this one haha!
If you are bloated and alone, bend over and touch your toes for an extended period of time. additionally, get into child’s pose and rock back and fourth. you can also lay against a wall or couch with your feet up in the air. rotate between those three positions if you are by yourself and you should be significantly less bloated!
Image credits: keelykate77
If you have trouble sleeping try putting your feet in cold water for a few minutes it can help relax your body and make you feel sleepy faster.
I am a woman and my c*caine addicted friend told me that a side effect was not being able to pee on command. She said just tickle the top of your buttcrack and the flow will start. It totally works. Stage fright in a public restroom? My god, it works.
Not sure if it works for the fellas..
If you feel a sneeze coming on but can't get it out, look towards (not directly into) a bright light source (a light bulb, the sun, etc). and it will cause you to sneeze.
It's called the ACHOO syndrome.
Pinch your index finger and middle finger to your thumb. Where they meet, you’ve made a ‘pinhole lens’ that you can hold up to your eye to see better. Works really well to read an LED clock at night.
Image credits: ThugMagnet
Not really a hack, but be conscious of making sure that when you chew you do it equally on both sides. I was having some serious jaw pain that was because I only chewed on the right side of my mouth, so the left side was weak.
If you’re a woman at any age after 30 regardless of babies (but especially with) even if you’ve never had a major fall (but especially if you did) pls just do a routine pelvic floor therapy check in.
I was in pain for YEARS. My SI joint no matter what I did I couldn’t get the pain out. Well turns out if I try from inside vs outside I’m relieving it since it’s actually semi stuck. And massaging and re learning to not “push “ to pee etc and adding small pillow at my waist (I have larger hips vs waist) all these things together after years of therapy. Took the pain away - 10 sessions of pelvic floor vs 3-4 years of other PT
Go to a pelvic floor therapist
You can have hip pain, back pain, sexual discomfort - and it can be helped with pelvic floor therapy.
I learned a kind of weird one on Reddit a few years ago that I use almost every day now. It kind of stretches your back/straightens your posture. I do this in the shower but it can be done anywhere. Put your back against the wall, make sure your heels, calves, butt, shoulder blades, and back of your head are touching the wall. Now with your palms, try pushing your body away from the wall but at the same time try keeping all the things listed above against the wall, so you’re kind of fighting yourself. Do this a few times in 10 second increments.
If you stand up too fast and get dizzy, just place your palms flat against a table, bed, whatever is flat and perpendicular to the surface you're standing on. Seriously gets rid of the dizziness in a second.
Image credits: xComplexikus
If you ever experience sleep paralysis and are desperately trying to move again, start by focusing on your toes or fingers. I find that I can get them to move first then the rest of my body follows.
Fiber!!!!! Eat it!!!! Eat a lot of it!!! Proof: I’m 40 and just started upping my fiber intake via chia pudding and oats… boom, down 7lbs!
All these helpful ones and mine is just dumb: Whichever is your dominant side sit and make clockwise circles with your ankle. Now draw the number “6” in the air with your same side hand. Your ankle will automatically reverse directions. Brain stuff.
If you feel like you’re going to yawn in an awkward situation, press your tongue against your teeth to stop it.
Image credits: Pretty_Millie
Squishmellows, especially one gaint squishmellow, is perfect to proop your body up after sugrey or an accident.
I broke my pelvis and was wheelchair bound for 3 months. That squishmellow saved my life.
If you get a brain freeze hold your tongue or your thumb to the roof of your mouth And it will almost always stop it within a few seconds.
Put your knees and elbows on the ground and slowly walk your hands forward with your butt in the air and head down. downward dog position.
Almost always relieves IBS pressure.
Not insane but if you want to go to the bathroom at night, when you turn on the light squeeze one eye shut until you're finished, then when the light is off again you can open that eye and it will be adjusted to the dark, so you can easily get back to bed with "night vision".
Using your tongue to stretch the roof of your mouth. It can help reduce headaches and even improve your mood.
Starting Strength. Everybody with no history of lifting should do some kind of bench/dead/squat routine, adding progressively more weight over time. Beginners will quickly add a huge amount of strength and muscle. Eventually progress slows and people can decide how/if to continue. But no reason not to take advantage of beginner gains.
For men: when you have an unwanted boner, hold your breath.
If you have an inflamed tendon, the best pain relief for that is simple ibuprofen. Make sure it's ibuprofen not tynelol etc. Doctor told me a few years ago that ibuprofen is best for inflamed tendons and idk if he placebo affected me or not, but I certainly notice a much greater relief in swelling and pain using ibuprofen compared to any other OTC pain reliever.
If you can't get a full night's sleep for any reason, aim for 3, 4.5, or 6h -- even if that means you get **less sleep**.
Sleep isn't one big REM cycle. You go through a complete cycle every ~90min. In general, if you feel terrible when you wake up (and it's not due to being ill or a hangover or similar), it's because you forced yourself awake during the deeper parts of sleep. Aiming to wake up at the end of a REM cycle will leave you feeling more rested than if you had less sleep.
This also applies to naps, by the way - it's better to either wake yourself up *before* or *after* the deeper REM sleep; which means naps should be either ~20min or ~90min; not anywhere in between. Ask anyone who says they feel terrible after naps how long they nap for; most of the time, they'll say "about an hour" - despite that being our standard unit of time, it's basically the *worst* length of nap imaginable.
Squeezing your thumb into the palm of your hand stops your gag reflex.
Pickles and other fermented foods can help lessen anxiety.
For weight loss. Run the abs first. Crunches, planking, whatever you're comfy with just keep your core tight. Do throughout the day in small sets anytime you have a moment. You immediately increase your metabolism even if slightly and feel more full on less food. When you eat, and after, drink lots of water. Don't chug just keep sipping through the hours after meals till you have to pee. When you have to pee you know you have successfully flooded your tract and this will help break down food and increase speed of digestion. Plus hydration helps with weight loss generally.
Keep your core tight through the day and drink till you need to pee after each meal. You will lose weight on this alone. When you get down to your target weight, or heck whenever comfortable add some additional exercise to zones you want to tone up. Ezpz.
The mammalian diving reflex can stop an anxiety or panic attack instantly.
Hold your breath and splash water on your face (or dunk your head) and your body goes into underwater mode. Your body gets ready to conserve oxygen by slowing down lots of processes, switching off (not the technical term) some organs and parts of your brain.
Panic requires too much oxygen. Panicking underwater will lead to drowning, so your body just cancels out of it.
This is also why throwing a drink in an angry person's face stops them on their tracks.
Reduce nausea instantly by sniffing 90% Isopropyl Alcohol. Don’t know why it’s better than 70% but s**t works better than ginger, no worse than zofran.
Rubbing your wrist before bed to prevent nightmares. I forget exactly what points (google it) so I just apply pressure and rub around the wrist, and I don't have nightmares. Learned this from an acupuncturist.
Lasting cough that won't quit at the tail end of a cold/sore throat?
Take Vicks vapor rub and heavily smear it on the bottoms of your feet and throw on socks. In minutes, the cough substantially subsides or goes away entirely.
It's not science.
It's magic.
If you eat healthy and proportionately and work out 3-4 times a week. You’ll have more energy, rarely get sick, be in good shape, more mental clarity, and the list goes on…it’s freakin crazy.
Keep floss picks around. Center console of your car, at your desk, by your bed.
For men, after urination if you press on the gooch and push forward towards the shaft, you'll push out the last bits without needing to shake it like you're playing with it. Very effective at preventing those last few drips that always seem to sneak out right as you zip your pants.
Never cross your legs.
It puts torque on the whole pelvic area and is often the cause of a lot of back pain.
Sleep on your back with a pillow in a vertical position, with your shoulders at the edge of the pillow. You'll never have neck pain again, and your posture will improve significantly. It takes time to get used to, but it's totally worth it.