Film photography has received a massive resurgence over the last five years, with many photography YouTubers championing the analog format and showcasing the best film cameras from the decades.
However, film photography is not the cheapest, and while color prices are skyrocketing, black-and-white film stocks have been the choice for many photographers wanting to try out the analog format, without spending some serious dollars, and now another black-and-white film stock is about to be relaunched to the market!

According to Kosmo Foto, Lucky Film will be relaunching its PAN SHD400 filmstock that was produced in China by Lucky Group Corporation in cooperation with Kodak from the early 2000s until 2012.
Reports confirming this film stock relaunch were shared across the Reflx Lab's Instagram account stating:
“Lucky Film from China is reproducing its SHD400 black and white film. And we are going to sell it to overseas in March 2024. That is great news for the analog photography community. If this film is selling well, Lucky might reproduce its color film too.”
Images samples

It is certainly a great sight to see more companies bringing film back from the blink, especially film that was no longer being produced, enabling photographers to have that full nostalgia of using film that might have been used day in the day.
While March 2024, is the given time for possible release overseas, it is not yet known when a specific date you can buy said film - I'm sure we will see it appear when it is ready, but it is very exciting to see a new film come to the market.