That Mishal Husain’s interview with James Cleverly should become “news” illustrates the kid‑glove treatment the BBC usually gives government ministers (‘Cool, calm, precise’: how Mishal Husain became the interviewer politicians dread, 6 January). That kind of questioning should be the norm, not the exception.
Chris Donnison
• Every decibel and pause is audible in Mishal Husain’s unpicking of unscrupulous characters. Such a joy in these times.
Jane Thompson
• I’m with Andrew Bryant (Letters, 5 January). In a few years, when all these people realise that their wonderful vinyl at £35 a go has mysteriously developed clicks, pops, scratches and jumps, they might wish they had spent a tenner on a CD version instead.
Phil Thomas
Thingwall, Wirral
• On a recent flight to Copenhagen, I was offered a copy of the Daily Mail (Letters, 5 January). My response of: “Have you run out of toilet paper?” was met with a smile and a wink from the “dangerous leftwing” member of the cabin staff.
Lee Pascal
Richmond, London
• Back in 1976, while on my way to work in Bognor Regis, I stopped at a newsagent to buy a Guardian only to be told: “This isn’t that sort of area”. I still wonder to this day.
Pat Ryan
• I don’t understand why so much adulation is heaped on the admittedly highly impressive 16-year-old Luke Littler (Luke Littler says he is ‘bigger than the winner’ despite losing darts final, 4 January). At the age of 86, I regularly throw my underpants into the laundry bag from across the bathroom without any applause from my wife.
Phil Myerscough
Stoke Canon, Exeter
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