Slipknot's semi-mythical Look Outside Your Window album will finally emerge next year, according to vocalist Corey Taylor. And the singer admits that he's unwittingly contributed to the delay in the album sitting for so long in The Nine's audio vaults.
The songs that make up Look Outside Your Window were recorded during the turbulent, fractious studio sessions for the group's 2008 album All Hope Is Gone: Taylor has previously likened the sound and feel of the songs to Radiohead, stating that the material has an "experimental" edge.
In a new interview with NME, Taylor is asked if there's any 'news' in regard to the record, and he reveals that it's recently been a topic of conversation between himself and Shawn 'Clown' Crahan, and that he has only just learned that his prolific solo career has been a factor in the album remaining unreleased.
"It’s actually funny that you bring that up," he begins. "I was talking to Clown about it the other day and he goes, 'One of the reasons it hasn’t come out is because you keep putting shit out which keeps conflicting with when I want to release it!' I was like, Fuck dude, why didn’t you tell me? He says, ‘Fuck, Taylor – you just got too much shit!’
"It’s sounding like he’s got a release date that he can finally lock in," Taylor adds, "and I have promised him that I won’t release anything that will ruin that. I think it’s going to be next year – finally, man!"
Speaking to Upset magazine in January, Crahan described Look Outside Your Window as "an amazing body of work."
"You will never hear another Corey Taylor like this," he promised. "The music and the words… it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life."
Taylor was equally generous in his assessment of the album while speaking to NME.
“I just went back and listened to all that stuff and it’s so dope and so different," he says. "People going into this thinking it sounds like ‘Slipknot’ Slipknot are so wrong. It doesn’t sound like anything Slipknot have ever done, that’s why it’s its own thing. To me, it really is the long-lost album. The music is so beautiful, it probably has some of my favourite melodies that I’ve done, and people are really going to dig it. Clown did a really good job."