The big moment has arrived - Perth Show is now open.
After an absence of two years following the COVID-19 pandemic, chairman Mark Mitchell has welcomed everybody back for a long-overdue two-day event at the heart of the city.
August 5 and 6 are the days to visit and soak up the Perthshire Agricultural Society’s 160th Perth Show.
“After two virtual shows it is wonderful to be back for real on the main South Inch and I for one have been looking forward to the burble and buzz that showcasing the best of Scottish agriculture delivers,” said Mark as the showground was coming together earlier this week.
Mark has had to wait and wait to take up his post as the head of the event, but at last he is able to gather the tractors, trailers and pick-ups into one bright, vibrant and noisy space.
“I hope it will provide Perth with a major economic boost and be a big focal point,” he smiled.
“Where else do you invite the urban public to walk straight off the city streets into an arena where they can witness the best examples of what the Scottish countryside delivers?
“At Perth Show we have a unique opportunity to showcase agriculture to the general population, all within the city limits.”
Making the event readily available to people of all ages was important to Mark and the team.

“There really is fun for everyone,” he explained. “Children get to see what really happens on farms and we have everything here from farm to plate.
“A great thing to consider when times are hard is that kids under 14 come in for free.
“We have hidden a number of yellow bath ducks around the showground so we hope families will take up the challenge and hunt them out. There is a hamper from Donaldson’s of Crieff for the winner.

“We have a lovely weather forecast both days so everything is on our side.”
Providing a flavour of what else to expect, Mark continued: “Another bit of fun is some sheath tossing (not sheep tossing) on Saturday.
“We have a golden pitchfork to help with the game of who can get the bundle of corn stalks to go highest.
“As usual, on Friday, we have the light-legged horses.
“We have had a really good entry and are delighted at the level of support from exhibitors of all ages bringing horses and ponies of all shapes and sizes to the Inch.
“On Saturday, cattle, sheep, donkeys, goats and dogs join the party. There are also Shetland ponies and heavy horses in the judging mix.
“We are delighted to be hosting the Beltex National Show within the sheep section.
“This is a great honour and has attracted entries from across Scotland, and adds to what is already an impressive display of livestock.
“Due to the excellent number of entries, judging starts early on both mornings in the outside and main rings.
“The culmination of the judging on Saturday afternoon is the Champion of Champions judging taking place in the main ring, pitting the champions of the cattle, sheep, horse, and goat sections against one another to declare the 2022 overall show champion of champions.
“The afternoon’s entertainment then begins in earnest, with carriage driving, the pipe band, vintage vehicles, pony club games and the Young Farmers’ tug-of-war.
“And we are delighted to have teamed up with Dog Friendly Perthshire who will be running our first formal dog show, with its own dedicated ring.
“In addition to a number of classes ranging from waggiest tail to best turned out, they will also be displaying dog agility.
“If your pooch is up for a challenge and you are feeling competitive with your pet, come along and join in the fun.
“New for 2022 are find the missing ducks challenge and two sessions of pig racing in the main ring after the agricultural part of the show is finished.
“We will enjoy the spectacle of the high speed hogs, there is going to be a compere and the public will be able to make up their mind which looks most likely to lead in the sprint - although no bookies will be showing up!”
Of course, the best of Perthshire food and drink will also be showcased across both days. Mark said: “Within the Food and Drink marquee, our partners Perthshire on a Plate (POAP) are serving up a delicious feast of local food and drink, plus treats from further afield.
“French favourite Jean-Christophe Novelli, who starred at POAP in 2017, returns to headline the chef demonstration programme both days and Masterchef finalist from Kinross, Sarah Rankin, shares some secrets from the show on the Friday.
“Other local chefs join the line-up while food and drink producers showcase a wealth of tasty goodies to try and buy.
“Pop-up restaurants offering sample dishes from several local restaurants complete the popular food marquee at Perthshire on a Plate.
“Set around our show field are a large number of trade stands ranging from farm machinery to professional services and everything in between.”
Mark was keen to turn the spotlight on the “army” of volunteers who make Perth Show happen.
“Without their input throughout the year in planning and organising the show, and importantly in building our showground, this could not happen,” he said.
“Equally, our exhibitors are the bedrock of the show, without them and their commitment we would have nothing to display.
“We are most fortunate to have loyal and incredibly supportive main sponsors in Binn Group, Morris Leslie, EQ, A-plan, Netherton Equestrian, Concept, Perth College UHI, R Morgan, and Bell Ingram.
“Without their financial, material, and emotional support the show could not go on or be developed for future years.”