Corpse face is my moniker for that greyish, dry look makeup can take on after being assailed by cold winds and dehydrating central heating. Another reason for skin looking less than fresh is oxidation, which is when foundation and concealer mix with skin’s natural sebum, turning it orangey or darker.
All of this means that – come party o’clock – your face can look like a cross between an Egyptian death mask and a Madame Tussauds waxwork.
I spent my 20s working on women’s magazines by day and as a rock music writer by night, so I’ve perfected the art of multi-functional makeup. These are the three methods that still work for me, and the best is the full retouch: carry micellar water, cotton pads and your skincare with you, then take off and reapply your foundation and concealer.
Or, if you want to keep your base makeup on and just touch it up quickly, add in these two essentials when you do your makeup in the morning: a pearlescent primer to keep your skin looking glowy, and a spritz of hydrating face mist – then again during the day and before/after you touch up your makeup too.
Finally, add a “glow” stick, such as the unrivalled Chanel Baume Essentiel, to your makeup bag. It’s essentially a gloss that you can add to your cheeks, cheekbones, lips – wherever you like. It acts as a highlighter, and makes your skin look dewy and fresh.
Do you have a beauty question for Anita? Email beautyQandA@theguardian.com