A PUSH to remove graffiti in Newcastle's CBD means property owners can expect a letter from a Newcastle councillor asking them to help clean up the streets.
At this week's council meeting, Cr Jenny Barrie said civic pride is at an "all time low" for residents near the Hunter Street Mall and in town.
"It's just feral," she said.
"Sadly, this area has been neglected. I've got some personal friends, one who lives in Newcastle West in Hunter Street and she comes from a 'third world country' and in her opinion they treat their main streets better over there."
The closure of three more businesses in the mall to make way for Iris Capital's $1 billion East End Village project just exacerbated the issue, Cr Barrie said, with less foot traffic leading to an escalation in vandalism and crime.
This week the council voted to send a letter to Ausgrid, Telstra and other organisations with infrastructure that has been attacked in the mall and CBD to ask them to remove graffiti.
It is also encouraging individuals and businesses to apply for funding in August to deliver and promote the city centre as part of a $900,000 program funded by the Special Business Rates levy.
Cr Barrie plans to take matters into her own hands with property owners, hoping to deliver a newsletter around the city with contacts to help clean graffiti, the footpath and facades and how to report crime to police or issues to council.
A number of shopfronts in the Hunter Street Mall have been 'blacked out' awaiting the Iris Capital development.
Lord mayor Nuatali Nelmes acknowledged there was some graffiti in town but refused to "amplify" a negative message about the city.
"That is the message that permeated about Newcastle for decades, I accept there are issues with construction, we've gone in there, we've talked to the police, we're getting the demolition expedited," she said.
Cr Nelmes said she knows the CBD is not "perfect" but pointed out the city offers a $900,000 fund for local business improvement associations to access.
"I know that you're bringing it up because people have brought it up with you," she said.
"However, I don't necessarily think it is some sort of in globo, out-of-control issue that is going to spread like wildfire through the city.
"I think it's controllable. I think it is an issue that can be managed. But I do think that the city has been through a significant transformation that has been to the benefit of Newcastle in this region."
Council staff are looking at opportunities to align the next four stages of the revitalisation of Hunter Street Mall with public domain works required by Iris Capital.
It is also reviewing opportunities to focus resources on development of Hunter Street to bring forward the beautification of Hunter Street and economic benefits for retailers in preparation for the completion of Iris Capital's project.
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