A councillor has hit out at the growing number of housing developments in Calverton, accusing the council of letting developers merely 'build for profit'.
Mike Hope, a councillor who has been outspoken on the issue, again emphasised the "growing concern" amongst the community, which has been on the receiving end of a number of proposed housing developments.
Work is already underway on two developments off Flatts Lane and Park Road, which will hold 84 and 350 homes respectively.
As a result of the increasing number of properties, residents have raised concerns over its effect on local infrastructure, such as on its GP surgery and schools.
Speaking to Nottinghamshire Live, Cllr Hope, the independent representative of the Calverton ward, said: "My concern is we know the houses are coming but it's the impact of the houses.
"People are saying we don't have easy access to health services. The GP practice has been extended but it's hard to get in. What's being done about that and the provision of school places? We're not getting any information and people are getting very concerned.
"They're going to come, they've got to be built somewhere but it's about the impact on the existing population. I agree with their concerns."
Gedling Borough Council said that it requires developers to make a contribution towards infrastructure, which includes education and health services.
The authority also demands developers ensure 20 per cent of housing is 'affordable'.
However, Cllr Hope believes this still will not insure the community is properly served.
"You've got to build houses that you need," he said.

"How many houses are going to be 'affordable' in the real sense of the word? Most will be bought by richer people.
"Its just building houses for profit. If the market changed tomorrow and everybody wanted one-bedroom houses then they'd build them.
"When considering developments, it shouldn't just be a case of 'is it safe?' it should be 'is it good? Is it of benefit to the community?' They are the kind of questions that should be asked."
David Humphreys, a 70-year-old who used to live in Calverton, said the growing number of houses led to him and his wife moving to Lowdham.
"We had a house that backed onto open countryside but the farmer sold off the land to a developer," he said.
"It was definitely that [that made us leave]. It's a shame really but people have to live somewhere."
Business owners had a different perspective, however.
Skaender Kurti, who owns Calverton Fish Bar in Main Street, said more houses was "a good thing".
"It will be good for us as it means a lot more people, it will mean more people shop round here."
A spokesperson for Gedling Borough Council: “Government has set a target for councils to find appropriate sites to build new homes, and our Local Plan allocates sites for housing development in Arnold and Carlton, as well as in rural areas such as Calverton.
"When we grant planning permission for new development, developers are required to contribute to infrastructure such as transport, drainage and flood protection, public transport, housing, education, open spaces and health facilities.
"Our Local Plan also requires new housing developments to include a proportion of affordable housing. For Calverton there is a requirement for 20% affordable housing, the details of which are agreed through the planning application process.”
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