City centre commuters have blasted new roadworks that have appeared on one of the city centre's busiest roads as causing traffic chaos.
The roadworks on Deansgate, which reduce one part of the busy road to just a narrow lane past Spinningfields, have been criticised by drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians alike. Commuters have hit out at traffic lights that 'only let two cars at a time through', cycle lanes that are blocked by road signs, and pedestrians 'darting out across the road'.
Manchester City Council said a number of factors had contributed to 'busier than usual roads' this week, but all 'changes have been put in place to create more opportunities for people to make improved travel choices' and 'improve air quality'.
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It comes after parts of the city centre street have been drastically refurbished following the Covid-19 pandemic. Stretches of the road have already had widened bike lanes put in place, and a bus lane has opened at the junction of Blackfriars Street and Deansgate for southbound buses, taxis and bicycles.
But some road users say current roadworks, which are understood to be a mixture of council and third party works, are causing the road more harm than good. Taking to twitter, one cyclist called the road an 'absolute lethal mess' and criticised one of the junctions.
"Deansgate is an absolute lethal mess right now. After passing police attending to someone on the ground who'd likely been hit by a car (hope they're OK), I then had a driver almost take me out at the Bridge St junction, turning right. Claiming he had a green, so it was alright," he wrote.

Oliver Telfer, who also cycles along the Castlefield end of Deansgate, called the road in its current state 'horrendous'.
"Cycling from Atlas bar end with the current temporary lane closures is horrendous. Very dangerous," he said. "Saw a woman knocked off by a taxi on Tuesday morning. I know it's temporary but much could be so much better signed and safer."
And drivers said they have issues on the city centre street, too. Scott Cooper said he encountered issues when driving along the stretch outside Beetham Tower.
"I got to Quay Street, choice was left or right, I chose right as trying to get to King Street," he said. "The lights only let two cars turn right before they were back on red and people are just darting out across the road."
Campaign group Walk Ride Deansgate said there had been 'decent progress' on the road, but improvements could still be made.

"The 'almost finished' sections at the North end are so much better, the new changes on the Rylands Library section need adjusting but one way motor traffic really helps," a spokesperson told the M.E.N.
"Need the next section now, plus contraflow bike lanes and Bus Gate cameras."
Manchester City Council are due to be finishing a bus gate on Bridge Street after its junction at Left Bank which will mean only buses, cycles and taxis will be able to drive out of the city centre across the River Irwell into Salford via this route.
They are also set to introduce measures proposed for the lower end of Deansgate from Bridge Street to Quay Street - which will be permanently one-way only, in a southbound direction (with the northbound carriageway closed).
A spokesperson for Manchester City Council said: "Given the changes to traffic movement which have taken place along Deansgate over the past two years, and between Bridge Street and Quay Street recently, we appreciate there will be a settling in period as is the case for all infrastructure projects.
"It is important to note these changes have been put in place to create more opportunities for people to make improved travel choices, improve air quality and support the Council's 2040 strategy to have 90% of journeys made through cycling, public transport or walking.
"There may also be times where third-party operators carry out works on the road which, although out of the Council's control, we will endeavour to keep road users notified if disruption is anticipated. This week has also seen other factors such as poor weather, a rail strike as well as delays on the bus network which will have contributed to busier than usual roads.
And, as always we would recommend drivers checking live updates on the TfGM website in advance of any journey to avoid any delay."
Greater Manchester Police have been contacted about the alleged incident on Tuesday morning.
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