When it comes to beauty product recommendations, my ears always prick up when it's from Sienna Miller. A fan of minimal make-up, her natural, less-is-more style is one I'm always interested to know how she achieves.
In a video filmed in late 2023, Sienna revealed exactly what she keeps in her beauty bag - giving me all the insight I need. I was hoping she might mention what she considers the best lightweight foundation, but instead my interest was peaked by what the actress described as a 'finger brush' and 'the best concealer'.
Speaking about Glossier's Stretch Balm Concealer and the Pat McGrath Labs Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Concealer brush, Sienna said: "Oh this is the best concealer, and I use that with something that my makeup artist Wendy got for me, which is the best thing I've ever been given - it's a Pat McGrath finger brush.
"It feels like a finger, and I really do all of my makeup and skincare with my hands - until I was given this, and now I use it for everything at the same time. It's a fantastic brush."
This is the exact Pat McGrath Sienna Miller talks about being the 'best thing she's ever been given'. As someone who favours using hands over brushes, I'm excited to try this brush for concealer and other makeup application.
Glossier's Stretch Balm concealer is a firm favourite for Sienna and lots of others, it would seem, with hundreds of glowing reviews online. With dark circles that stand out a mile and someone with very uneven skin, I'm looking forward to trying this alongside my new Pat McGrath brush.
As someone who has never really mastered the art of knowing what brush to use and when, I too, just like Sienna, also use my hands for makeup and skincare. But a closer look at both of these products, and their versatility - the brush, in particular, convinced me to give them both a try. Sienna mentions not only using hers for concealer but other makeup application too, like eyeshadow.
The actress goes on to detail a number of other products I'm tempted by, including the iconic YSL Touche Éclat Illuminating Pen and A313 Vitamin A Retinol Cream, which Sienna described as a 'fantastic secret'. See the full contents of her beauty bag in the video below: