Upon news breaking globally on Monday that his father, King Charles, had been diagnosed with cancer following a corrective procedure for a benign enlarged prostate, Prince Harry nearly immediately boarded a plane from LAX to London’s Heathrow, touching down on Tuesday and, ultimately, spending just 25 hours in his home country before departing for California and home. Enmeshed in those 25 hours was just 30 minutes with his father, who reports say delayed a planned helicopter flight from his London home, Clarence House, to Sandringham to see his younger son.

“Charles always keeps a tight schedule and had a planned itinerary to leave London to rest and recuperate in Norfolk,” a source told The Sun. “He is very fastidious about timekeeping, but it was significant that he delayed the flight to Sandringham when he knew Harry was visiting.”
Why such a short visit? Well, the reason makes sense: The Times of London reported that the meeting was kept so brief because Charles was tired from his outpatient cancer treatment that took place on Monday, the day prior to their meetup on Tuesday.

The King is expected to continue his cancer treatment at Sandringham, The Mirror reports. Roya Nikkhah, The Sunday Times’ royal editor, told Good Morning Britain that Harry would have liked to have spent longer with his father: “The briefing that came out after their meeting was very interesting,” she said. “‘The King was very tired after his procedure he’d had the day before.’ So we know he started his treatment on Monday. We understand he had a procedure then for his cancer and the briefing was he felt quite tired. I’m sure Harry would have loved to have spent much more time with him, but he’s quite respectful of his dad going through this treatment.”
Tired though he may be, The Times of London reports that Charles and Camilla are “coping magnificently,” adding “If you didn’t know what was the matter, you wouldn’t have any idea that he had any condition at all.”

The Sun reports that the King is “doing very well” and “entirely his normal self,” and quotes a friend of Charles’ as saying, “If you didn’t know there was anything wrong with him, you wouldn’t know.”
A Palace source said the King was “on his usual good form” and “just a little frustrated that his condition has affected not just his own plans but impacted on others’.”