Swini Khara, who as a child actress was seen in TV shows like Baa Bahoo Aur Baby, Dill Mill Gayye and films like Cheeni Kum and Parineeta, got engaged to businessman Urvish Desai on February 24.
Swini, who quit showbiz to become a lawyer after she acted in MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, shared, “It is an arranged match. Urvish and I are Gujaratis. I am a practising lawyer, while Urvish is an engineer and runs his own business. We are both similar and got to know each other for quite some time before we got engaged. The engagement was a close-knit ceremony with friends and family members. We haven’t set a date for marriage yet, but we will do that soon. I look forward to this new chapter in my life.”
Swini shares how she quit her acting career in 2016 and moved to Hyderabad for studies. She said, “I did many films and TV shows as a child, but then I felt that I should pursue my education. Today, I am also an influencer and get offers to act, but I am not sure if I would want to pursue acting. I am happy being a lawyer. Also, currently after OTT and social media boom, the entire landscape of how an actor functions has changed. So, I am not sure if I want to pursue acting now. If something interesting comes up, I will surely consider it. I am glad I finished my education and am a lawyer now.”