If you’ve ever had to raise a toddler (or maybe even two), you perhaps know that it can be like boxing with a world champion – an unexpected punch can come from literally any direction, so the parents should be on their toes constantly. And it’s incredibly exhausting, both physically and mentally.
The heroine of our story today, the user OneCandidScroller, is going through a tough time right now – her youngest child is 2 years old. Help from her husband would be most welcome now – but right at the moment, tellingly, the man is trying to devote as much of his time as possible to a new hobby…
More info: Mumsnet
The author of the post is the mom of 2 toddlers and she desperately needs help and support from her husband

However, the man is trying to devote all his free time to his new hobby – running

Image credits: OneCandidScroller

The guy signs up to various races and has to train literally every day

Image credits: OneCandidScroller

The mom, in turn, has been tearing herself apart between raising kids, doing chores and her part-time job

Image credits: OneCandidScroller
After the spouse broke his word and signed up to another race, the woman was nearly devastated and decided to seek support online
According to the words of the Original Poster (OP), she’s married and has 2 kids, 4 years old and 2 years old. Our heroine combines doing a part-time job with all the household chores and taking care of the children. It became especially difficult because her spouse recently became interested in running, and time after time he signs up for various races, for which he needs to train literally every day.
No, our heroine understands perfectly well that everyone has their own hobbies, that running is wonderful, and all this makes us healthier. But she also remembers very well how, when their eldest child was about the same age as the youngest is today, her hubby used to play golf every given weekend. And now it’s much easier for her to cope with childcare when both parents are there.
She had a heartfelt conversation with her husband about this after him completing another race, explained everything, and he swore that he understood her. But then it was time for the next race – and the guy stunned the OP, saying that he had already signed up and was ready to start training.
Yes, the husband is the main breadwinner in the family, but the original poster believes that parenting is also about both spouses, not just about her. Plus, she also has her part-time job, and she gets just as tired as her husband. So, our heroine decided to take it online, looking for sympathy, support and a piece of advice from netizens.

“One of two things – either this man simply puts his own desires and goals in priority over his wife and children, or in this way – consciously or unconsciously, shirks the need to take care of the kids during one of the most difficult times for parenting,” says Irina Matveeva, a psychologist and certified NLP specialist, with whom Bored Panda got in touch for a comment here.
“From what she tells us, his passion for golf passed quite quickly and without any trace, and that seems rather symptomatic, doesn’t it? In any case, the husband doesn’t seem to fully understand that his full participation in parenting is also 100% necessary, and that his wife needs rest no less – if not more – than he does.”
“It seems to me that if this man were in her place at least a couple of times, alone – he would most likely realize how difficult it is for her. So it would be worth talking again, trying to divide the time between two of them so that she could also devote time to her hobbies and rest,” Irina summarizes.
People in the comments also supported the original poster as much as possible, claiming that her spouse clearly puts his hobbies above his family and loved one. In addition, according to the responders, there are also opportunities to combine parenting with running. “Tell him he can buy a running buggy and take the youngest with him,” someone aptly wrote. And what do you, our dear readers, think about this situation?
Most commenters supported the mom and told that her husband seems like an unfair and entitled person who doesn’t care about his wife at all