A MOBILITY scooter rider caught driving drunk in Newcastle has been sentenced to an 18-month conditional release order without conviction in court.
John Gregory Compton, 65, blew high-range in early-August after police pulled him over on Railway Street on reports of erratic driving without adequate lights.
Magistrate Caleb Franklin warned Compton on Thursday not to get behind the wheel of any vehicle under the influence of alcohol in future, or risk having the matter called up again with more serious consequences.
"The reference material tendered on behalf of the offender sets out that he has a need for a disability scooter which arises from his physical disabilities which prevent him from walking distances," he said.
"I note that I am informed by his legal representative that that relates to difficulties with his knees and walking.
"In relation to the offence, while that provides some background and explanation for what led up to the offence - it doesn't excuse his conduct or lessen the seriousness of it, and it certainly doesn't excuse him putting not only his life but the lives of others in danger."
The court heard Compton had been without his licence for five weeks and had completed the Traffic Offender Program.
Police evidence shows the 65-year-old told officers he drank six to eight middies of beer at a pub between 3.30pm and 7.10pm, but had not eaten anything during that time.
The court heard Compton had no other major traffic offences in his 48 years of driving and magistrate Franklin said he felt he was unlikely to reoffend.