This July, we're talking all things time. Yes, it's the group of effects that includes the venerable delay category, but it doesn't stop there. You can also stretch, scratch, reverse, stutter and more, and we're here to guide you on how to do so to the most memorable musical effect.
Free Stuff!
Alongside our Creative Time Effect feature, we're offering a very apt free gift: Cableguys' TimeShaper3 which offers a convenient, multiband-capable interface with which to try out everything you've learned in the feature.
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People & Places
Our interview subjects this month were Carl Garsbo (aka Kasbo) who discussed navigating the recording of a new album with a debilitating hearing condition; US duo Peel, the latest side project from Foster the People members Sean Cimino and Isom Innis discuss latest LP Acid Star; while Helado Negro tells us about the synths, people and places that inspired acclaimed latest album Phasor.
Inspiring Workshops
Every day's a school day with our monthly selection of masterclasses. This month, Roland Schmidt presents his tips on creating a wobble bass; Sara Simms discusses how mid-side EQ can lift your dance mixes; Andy Jones talks Pet Shop Boys' winning formula and how to mirror it; and Jon Musgrave explores VCA grouping.
Reviews Reviews Reviews
Finally, if you're on the market for new software, our monthly reviews section is always worth a look. This month, we cover: Modalics Mindst Drums, Wavesfactory Equalizer, Korg Gadget 3 and many more.
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