Over the Yom Kippur weekend, the Israeli military reported intercepting 320 projectiles launched by Hezbollah. The attacks began around 6 p.m. local time on Friday and continued into Saturday. Hezbollah claimed to have targeted Israeli forces in villages just south of the border, launching rockets into Israel.
As a result of the rocket launches from Lebanon, three men in the town of Jadeida-Machar suffered mild shrapnel injuries. The injured men, aged 48, 30, and 27, were treated for their injuries. Many of the rocket attacks have been attributed to Hezbollah.
The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah has raised concerns about escalating tensions in the region. Both sides have engaged in retaliatory attacks, leading to casualties and damage on both sides.
The Israeli military has vowed to defend its territory and protect its citizens from further attacks. Meanwhile, Hezbollah has continued to launch rockets into Israel, targeting what it perceives as enemy forces.
The situation remains volatile, with the potential for further violence and instability in the region. International observers are closely monitoring the developments and calling for a de-escalation of hostilities to prevent further harm to civilians and ensure regional stability.