Cairo and Israel have put Gaza strip under siege with the only exit Rafah closed, the densely populated area is home to 2.3 million Palestinians. On Monday Israel announced a full siege of the Gaza strip with streams of Israeli airstrikes raining on Gaza where Hamas militants occupy the most.
Since Monday, at least 700 people have lost their lives in Israel including 73 soldiers, with approximately 2400 others wounded. “At least 260 bodies were recovered at the site of a music festival near the border with Gaza,” said Israeli authorities. The death toll is expected to rise as the war escalates. Israeli soldiers removed the bodies of civilians, who were killed days earlier in an attack by Palestinian militants on this kibbutz near the border in Kfar Gaza.

Many questions are lingering about how Hamas militants were able to breach Israeli iron wall that heavily guards the borders and how did Israel not see this surprise attack coming ?
Israeli authorities announced on Tuesday that the mission to rescue 30 missing people was successful, for three days the group of Israeli and Thai nationals were hiding in Ein Hashlosha Kibbutz for three days since the country was ambushed on Saturday. On that day some Israelis had attended a musical festival to celebrate Sukkot holiday which is a special day in remembrance of how God Protected the children of Israel for forty years in the wilderness (desert).
“Embassy staff are urged to stay as close as close to home as possible and a curfew of 8p.m. to 6.am. in the light of the war. US government workers are prohibited from personal travel to the West Bank until further notice,” said the US office of Palestinian Affairs.
President Joe Biden shipped military aircrafts to aid Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin and Israeli Defense Force to fight Hamas. By Monday, the Hamas had struck cities like Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Sderot, and Ashkelon.

On Tuesday, Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei denied any involvement with Hamas recent attack on Israel, “Those who claimed there was outside involvement in the attacks underestimated the Palestinian nation,” said Ayatollah in a televised speech.
Israel’s attack came as a surprise since the country has not experienced something like that in the last 50 years. “Israel is at war, we didn’t want this war it was forced upon us in the most brutal and savage way, Israel didn’t start this but Israel will finish it. Once the Jewish people were defenseless they are no longer, Hamas will understand that by attacking us they have made a mistake of historic proportion we will exact the price that will be remembered by them and Israel’s other enemies for decades to come, the savage attack that Hamas penetrated against innocent Israelis, they bound, burned and executed children and the elderly, that’s savage. The forces of civilization must support Israel in defeating Hamas, I want thank President Biden for his immense support and leaders across the world for standing with Israel today, in fighting Hamas Israel is not only fighting for it’s own people it is fighting for every country that stands against plagiarism, when Israel wins the civilized world wins,” said Benjamin the Israel Prime Minister.
Edited by Judy J. Rotich and Newsdesk Manager