Benny Green once said: “Four years after Tennyson died, Alfred Austin succeeded him as poet laureate. A better idea would have been to dig up Tennyson.” The trustees of Highgate cemetery should watch out (£25,000 for a burial plot next to Karl Marx? The philosopher would turn in his grave, 17 January). In view of the misappropriation and perversion of his ideas for practically the whole of the 20th century by assorted Leninists, Trotskyites, Maoists and obscurantist philosophers, we might feel that a similar option should be available in Karl Marx’s case. He would have things to say.
Prof Keith Graham
Author, Digging up Marx
• Well done all those who joined a silent multi-faith peace walk in London on Sunday, especially the Quakers, representing Christians (Report, 21 January). The established church seems conspicuous by its absence.
Alice Severs
• Just when I thought it was safe, after a few days with no letters on men’s underwear, it resurfaced with a boating twist (19 January). When will readers realise this is just a cover up for a load of old bollocks?
Siobhán Ní Chuanaigh
Dublin, Ireland
• If scallop was meant to rhyme with dollop, it would be spelled scollop (Letters 21 January). To those who pronounce scallop as scollop, I say codswollop.
Beverley Mason
• Why is waffle pronounced woffle but raffle isn’t pronounced roffle. Makes no sense to me.
Janice Jowett
Ormskirk, Lancashire
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