The prospect of Megan Cusack leaving Call the Midwife for good is filling fans with dread and the actor has now spoken out about Nancy Corrigan’s future in the BBC drama.
Anyone who hasn’t found out how to watch Call the Midwife season 14 yet has been missing out on some joyful Sunday viewing this winter and we’re certainly not about to miss the finale when it airs on 2nd March. For the last seven weeks we’ve loved returning to our favourite Poplar community and seeing the Nonnatus House sisters and midwives at work as the show moved forward into the 1970s.
Unfortunately, for as many joyful moments there are in Call the Midwife there are poignant ones and although no-one wants to see a cast member leave we’ve been wondering more and more about Nancy Corrigan as season 14 went on. Now Megan Cusack has revealed whether or not she’s leaving Call the Midwife as Nancy after the events of episode 1.
*Warning: Spoilers Ahead*
Is Megan Cusack leaving Call the Midwife as Nancy?
We haven’t seen Nurse Nancy Corrigan make an appearance in season 14 since episode 1 and now it’s very sadly been confirmed that Megan Cusack is leaving Call the Midwife for good. The actor has been part of the BBC drama’s cast since season 10 and she has now explained to Radio Times Magazine that she felt the time had come to take a career "leap of faith" and leave her Call the Midwife family to pursue other projects.

"Sometimes, you've got to step out of your comfort zone to grow," Megan shared. "I've learnt so much, but I'm at the start of my career and I need to take a leap of faith. "It's bittersweet, really. I've made lifelong friendships there and I get to take those with me. But when I think about not rocking up to set and seeing Tim, who's part of the grips team, with his guitar hanging out of his van and serenading people at half six in the morning… It really has been like a family."
She continued, "Yeah, well, she's just a career woman. You know, she's off doing things, she's got a new job, but it doesn't mean you won't get to see her again."
The reason for Nancy’s absence throughout most of Call the Midwife season 14 so far is due to this new job. She was previously offered the same position at Netherditch Hospital in Surrey in season 12 and ended up turning it down after Sister Julienne managed to offer her lodgings for herself and her daughter Colette. The Netherditch job came with a house and the hospital ended up making her another job offer at just the right time.

Love was in the air in the Call the Midwife 2024 Christmas specials as Nancy had a whirlwind romance with pharmaceutical salesman Roger Noble. The couple got engaged and in season 14 episode one they celebrated their news and departed for the countryside, with Nancy promising that the wedding would be held six months later back in Poplar.
She might not have been seen since but Colette returned to London in episode 7 last week for a dress fitting. The wedding is definitely happening, with the BBC’s description of the Call the Midwife season 14 finale mentioning that "Nancy’s wedding plans take a surprising turn".
When is Megan Cusack’s final episode on Call the Midwife?
We don’t currently know for sure when Megan Cusack’s final episode on Call the Midwife will be before she leaves, though our best guess right now is that we’ll be saying a very fond farewell to Nancy, Colette and Roger in the season 14 finale. We already know that Nancy is coming back for episode 8 as she, her fiancé and daughter are seen arriving at Miss Higgins’ house and being ushered inside.
Her wedding is going to happen in the finale too and the show has a history of featuring weddings to round off a series joyfully, like when Nurse Trixie and Matthew Aylward got married at the end of season 12. As Nancy put it in season 14's opening episode, "Why would [she] want to get married anywhere other than home?"

Such a happy gathering of all the community would be a fitting way for Megan to leave Call the Midwife after four years on the show and would draw a line under Nancy’s storyline in a neat way without her having to come back for a one-off exit storyline next series. Of course, it’s always possible that the show could want to keep the season 14 finale uplifting and bring Megan Cusack back for another appearance to bow out, but we think it’s less likely.
Having Nancy leave Poplar after tying the knot with Roger in front of all her friends and former colleagues would be so heartfelt and her romance with the pharmaceutical salesman was a surprise for Megan.

"It was lovely. I never thought Nancy would have a romance, so it's a new element of that character," the star said previously to Radio Times. "And it's been lovely in the sense that it feels like the community of Poplar has allowed her to let her guard down and experience someone loving her."
When Nancy first told her colleagues at Nonnatus House that she and Colette were moving to accept the new job in Surrey and be nearer Roger, who proposed in episode 1, Sister Julienne’s reaction was perfect.
She said, "Our sadness at your departure is completely eclipsed by our happiness for both of you.”

Nancy’s happiness was briefly interrupted by a tense discussion with Roger’s mum, who was initially vehemently opposed to her son marrying a Roman Catholic, unwed mother. She came round eventually and gave Nancy and Roger their blessing, as they were preparing to leave Poplar with Colette. They were thrown a mini party with balloons and food, as Jennifer Lee's Call the Midwife's narration says that "love knows best of all".
Call the Midwife season 14 continues on Sunday 2nd March at 8pm on BBC One and all previous episodes are available to catch-up on now via BBC iPlayer.