LETTER correspondents have continuously questioned why "both sides" of the climate debate aren't being aired, that there is "no coverage to alternative views".
So where are the calls for the alternatives to the theory of gravity, of the Copernican universe? Why is it that the alternative to the theory of evolution (intelligent design) is laughed out of every serious university scientific department in the world? The answer is that the science is settled.
It's not that those who accept the validity of these theories aren't prepared to countenance alternatives. It's just the overwhelming body of research suggests these theories hold under every known circumstance. It's not about belief. It's about evidence.
And so we come to climate change. The reason that 97 per cent of the world's climate scientists agree that human-induced global warming is occurring is because they have seen the evidence: in modelling, in scientific measuring; in experimentation - all peer-reviewed, all checked and verified. Those opposed claim that the 97 per cent are all part of a conspiracy funded by governments to fool us into getting rid of fossil fuels. And just which governments were behind this conspiracy? Well the Howard/Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison government in Australia and the Trump government in the US for a start. Because it was on these governments' watches that the conspiracy theorists were loudest in their condemnation. Funny that. Governments that didn't believe in climate change were actually behind the conspiracy.
In the early 1980s the scientific community warned about the dangers of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) to the atmosphere. In 1987 the world's CFC emitters signed the Montreal Protocol which reduced CFCs by 99.7 per cent. A threat to the survival of the planet was identified by scientists and action was taken to deal with it.
It is 2022. Scientists have been telling us for decades that the cause of global warming is human-induced and that we need to cease burning fossil fuels. The path to dealing with the problem is clearly laid out before us. Why won't we listen?
Dr Barney Langford, Whitebridge
Climate back and forth is tiresome
HONESTLY, I'm tired of reading regarding the pros and cons of the supposed climate change issue and would prefer to read some topics that are more relevant to the local community of Newcastle given it's a Newcastle paper. In saying that I would suggest that those that are concerned about climate change think about a number of things before condemning the use of coal and wanting to rely on a clean energy future.
Batteries are not friendly to the environment as they never really die and continue to leech toxic chemicals into the environment when discarded. Imagine this if you rely on larger batteries. Incidentally all the main ingredients are mined (as is coal). One could go forever however, are all these protesters condemning the use of coal, etc are relying on the comforts afforded everyone thanks to natural resources we currently enjoy? To be realistic and true to the cause sell your car, don't fly anywhere, discard all your electrical items including your morning coffee hit and then if you wish to go on holiday elsewhere for some reason perhaps take a horse drawn caravan or even a sail boat. Don't forget to discard safety equipment such as generators to maintain your contribution to the environment.
Peter Mullins, Rankin Park
Who bears burden of our coal?
AM l to understand that by Mt Pleasant mining the coal, it has an effect on Australia's carbon reduction emissions as stated by Professor Sackett? My thoughts are that if the majority of the coal is exported. As they burn it to produce electricity, shouldn't those countries be the ones credited with producing greenhouse gases, or do the climate change estimators get two bites?
David Enderby, Corlette
E-tag refund fight takes a toll
I WOULD like to voice my total dissatisfaction with Service NSW, E-Toll and Transport NSW over the closure of my E-Toll account in April this year.
On May 11, 2022 I received confirmation of the closure of my E-Toll account and I will be refunded within seven business days. After three written representations by Tim Crakanthorp MP, I received an email on July 20 from Transport for NSW. Note this is three months after closing the account and over two months from the email stating I would be refunded unused funds to my nominated payment method: "a refund of the remaining balance will be processed today (July 20, 2022) and it may be processed by cheque to the mailing address on file."
I find this total lack of service unacceptable and the fact that I was informed in writing on May 11, that: "this balance will be refunded to your nominated payment method within seven business days" demonstrates the ineptness of Transport NSW. Thanks to member for Newcastle Tim Crakanthorp and his team for making representations but one wonders how long Transport NSW would have taken, if they ever did, refund the monies owing to me.
Greg Danvers, Newcastle West
We're not outside the environment
The State of the Environment report might get more attention if it was titled the 'State of Humanity Report', because that's exactly what it is. Humans are constructed of the same elements and atoms found in just about everything around us. We die within days without water; within minutes without oxygen, yet we continue to pollute both. Whatever we do to the environment we do to ourselves. It's been calculated that if every human on the planet consumed resources at the same level as the average Australian it would necessitate the addition of another three and a half planet Earths to sustain us.
We are obviously living way beyond what the planet can provide. While we think of the environment as something external from ourselves we'll continue to ignore its messages with deadly effect to our continued survival as a species. Many traditional Indigenous religions around the planet knew this and that's why they paid homage to and vowed to protect all aspects of the environment because they understood they were part of it - not lords over it.
John Arnold, Anna Bay
Death rates may surprise you
IT is gratifying to see contributions to this page on the matter of nuclear energy. However, it is important that, in the case for or against nuclear energy, we should listen to the experts/scientists and not rely on emotive generalities of the greens and others. Official reports of deaths from accidents at Fukushima in 2011 and Chernobyl 1986 was a combined 32 deaths over 26 years. A Greenpeace report published by the ABC in 2020 reported: "pollution from Australia's coal-fired power stations are responsible for an estimated 785 premature deaths a year". In England, there were 163 wind turbine accidents that killed 14 people in 2011. Reports on solar generation deaths vary but a consensus reveals around 100 to 150 deaths worldwide each year. While we can all dispute reports, the clear indication is that deaths from the generation of electricity by nuclear power is extremely small compared to other forms of electricity generation. And guess what? No emissions and it's reliable.
John Cooper, Charlestown
THE longer the West feeds into the war in Ukraine; a war they will never win, the longer it will go on until it escalates into something far worse. The West should be trying to convince Ukraine to compromise with Russia, instead of carrying on with the old line of defending democracy, freedom, and the so-called world order as laid down by the USA and defended by the rest of the western world.
Steven Busch, Rathmines
THE integrity commission that ScoMo failed on should be a priority for the new federal government.
Steve Barnett, Fingal Bay
RAY Cross, (Short Takes, 21/7), rather than being "a result of wokeism", I think the removal of Big Dog's prayer in the daily clip is probably more likely to be a reflection of the 2021 Census resulting in almost 40 per cent of Australians reporting their religion as "no religion".
Adz Carter, Newcastle
MARK Sheerin, (Short Takes, 22/7) reckons he's starting up a crowdfunding page for the purpose of purchasing eyebrows for federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton. It has previously been explained on this page that Mr Dutton has a skin affliction that causes hair to fall out. If Mr Sheerin had a loved one whose illness caused similar hair loss, I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate people making fun of them.
David Stuart, New Lambton
MAYBE I missed it but I don't hear or see a lot of media reporting on Scott Morrison's crazy rantings at Margaret Court's Church in WA. In a similar vein Fox News channel is ignoring the January 6 riots investigation.
Gary McDonald, Ashtonfield
SCOTT Morrison's recent claim that Australians should not trust the government in my opinion proves that this man was never fit to be the prime minister of Australia. Yes, he and Tony Abbot were our worst ever prime ministers and their decade in government is shameful.
Colin Rowlatt, Merewether
DURING times of trouble, such as the recent floods, ABC local radio is my go to for an invaluable source of up to date, accurate and factual info. There was a time when I felt the same way about ABC TV, sadly, however Aunty ain't what she once was. I don't need presenters pushing their own agendas and personal biases, telling me what to think. Just give me the facts. I can form my own opinions from there, thank you.
Dave McTaggart, Edgeworth
WHEN travelling overseas, at any airport you look out and see the tail of a plane with a big kangaroo, you don't have to guess where it's from. What more iconic symbol could we put on our flag than the big hopper, and remind us it is a flag for everyone.