Irvine’s Haysholm School is a real class act.
The school’s staff and pupils are celebrating this week after receiving a glowing inspection report from Education Scotland.
The school, which is attended by pupils aged five to 18 with complex additional support needs, received an overall rating of ‘Very Good’ in both of the categories being inspected – ‘Learning, Teaching and Assessment’ and ‘Raising Attainment and Achievement’.
Particular praise was given to the effective leadership of the school’s head teacher Yvonne Gribben, who has ‘established a culture of continuous improvement across the school’ as well as being ‘a very good role model for all staff’.
The school’s approaches to developing children and young people’s communication skills were also singled out for praise by inspectors, with pupils engaging very well in their learning and developing their independence.
Children and young people were found to be happy at the school, which the report says has a very ‘welcoming and caring environment for learning’, with positive relationships evident across the school community.
Teamwork was also identified as a strength of the school, with staff knowing the young people and their families very well and working together with them to help pupils progress with their learning.
The school will continue to develop its approaches to assessment and moderation as well as further developing partnerships to support young people into supported employment, training or further education when they leave school.
Councillor John Bell said: “This is a fantastic report for Haysholm School and we would like to thank the staff, families and pupils at the school for all of their hard work and dedication. I would particularly like to praise the very good leadership of the Head Teacher.
“To receive ‘very good’ ratings in both categories is a great achievement and is to be highly commended.”
Haysholm School’s head teacher Yvonne Gribben said: “I am truly delighted at our recent inspection report. This is a testimony to all involved within our school community – staff, parents/carers and partners, including health and social care partnerships.
“We all want the very best for our children and young people and work hard to achieve this. As a result this is having a positive impact on our learners, particularly in them being enabled to communicate and do things independently at home, in school and the wider community.”