Looks like late actor Irrfan Khan’s young son Babil will follow in the footsteps of his father - on Wednesday, the star kid shared a few pictures of himself working behind the camera. As per a report in Times of India, it is from his film school in UK. Many would recall Babil came back to India amid coronavirus to be with his ailing father.
Babil shared the pictures which do not have captions. In one of them, he is at the outdoors and is laughing with other students around him. In another, he is having an intense interaction with a fellow student. In another set of pictures, he is inside a room and possibly supervising a shot. In one of them, there is a girl standing next to him.
Some time back, he had posted two pictures of his late father at their farmhouse and had written: “I thought might as well. Whenever it was farmhouse time for him, these kids and the school principal would show up to meet.”
Over time, he has also shared other pictures and videos of his late father - in one, Irrfan can be seen enjoying a swim in ice-cold water. In another lot of pictures, Irrfan is seen playing with a kitten.
Irrfan, aged 53, died on April 29, after a two-year battle against a rare disease - neuroendocrine tumour.
After Irrfan’s death, Babil had posted an emotional post, thanking all for their condolence messages. He had written on Instagram, “I’m deeply grateful for all the condolences you beautiful friends are pouring in for me. Although I hope you understand that right now I’m not being able to reply because my vocabolary is dizzy. I will get back to each one of you but just not right now. Thank you so much. I love you.”
Irrfan’s wife Sutapa and his sons had released a statement too after his death which said: “How can I write this as a family statement when the whole world is taking it as a personal loss? How can I begin to feel alone when millions are grieving with us at the moment? I want to assure everyone that this is not a loss, it is a gain. It’s a gain of the things he taught us, and now we shall finally begin to truly implement it and evolve. Yet I want to try to fill in the things that people don’t already know.”
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