The Irish hospitality is back and as busy as ever following the easing of Covid-19 measures and the return of longer opening hours for pubs and restaurants.
But along with the reopening came the return of the typically rude and just plain annoying customers who really get on busy bar staff's nerves.
If you have ever had a job in hospitality you will surely relate to some of the issues mentioned below and if you haven't you may need to have a read to make sure you are not a perpetrator.
Cork Beo took the liberty of asking a few different bar workers around Cork city what really grinds their gears, and then compiled a list of points around what they said.
So here's the pet peeves that can really wind staff up.

Give out about the price
Any reasonable person will know that the workers don't set the rates, so giving out to them about it is just a needless headache for everyone.
One person told us: "We don't set them. The odd time you get people complain and when you're in this industry long enough you can get blunt about dealing with it, especially when a customer says something like 'here's a fiver and that'll do you' for a pint as if you don't have a choice.
"You'd be surprised how often that happens. I know one guy who used to take the fiver in those situations then pick up their pint and take a giant gulp before giving it to them for that price. That was precovid of course.
"It's cheeky but it worked, they'd never give out when coming back up for another."
Try get a free drink or special treatment by saying you know the owner
"So do I, and what?"
Wave a note, tap your card off the counter, or shout for attention when it's busy
Oh staff hate this one, and everyone we asked brought it up. It can come off really condescending.
One said: "Waving your big flash €50 note won't make us run to you quicker. We get paid the same regardless, yet this happens every night.
"I ignore people who do it when it's really busy. Same goes for anyone who shouts at you while its jammed, just because you're the loudest that doesn't mean you get to be next in line."
Minding jackets
If there's a cloak room use it they say, otherwise keep it at the table and make sure someone's attending it at all times.
One said: "We get this a lot, especially if you know the person asking. Sometimes strangers just come up and throw their jackets at you and expect you to mind them. It doesn't work like that, we're not hear to look after your stuff, use a cloakroom if its there otherwise keep an eye yourself."
Order an Irish Car Bomb
This is more of a thing Americans do sometimes, it's not really heard of locally.
One told us: "An 'Irish Car Bomb' is where they drop a shot of whiskey into a half glass of Guinness and down it. The drink is fine but the name is in bad taste."
"There's one called the 'Black and Tan' too. Don't go there."
Stand at the service area of the counter
One said: "There's a reason there's a big sign saying do not stand here, yet people still seem to do it. It can slow the whole show."
Order the Murphy's last or keep adding one drink at a time on a round
A big round where the last order is a Murphy's is wasting everyone's time. It could've been there settling on the counter while they got all the other drinks. If you mention it at the end once they've gotten the other stuff then they're left waiting
"The same goes for when people order a drink, then you go get it, then they order another drink, and then keep adding one more every time we can back to the counter.
"All in one sentence is fine and saves us from making multiple trips to the same fridge or optic."