Actor Iqbal Khan and his wife Sneha have been married for 16 years. The couple has two daughters Ammara and Ifza. The actor does not believe in celebrating Valentine's Day, but this year, he went on a holiday to Dubai to celebrate his birthday on February 10 and then his daughter Ifza's first birthday on February 11. And on Valentine's Day today, he recalls a funny incident some years ago when he had once gone out for V-Day lunch with his wife.
Iqbal says, "We are returning to India today, so Valentine's Day will be celebrated eating airline food! I remember one funny incident when V-Day had ended on a disappointing note. We loved Italian food at this one eatery in suburban Mumbai and we went for a special lunch on V-Day many years ago. We wanted to eat their special penne pasta dish. But, to our surprise, when we were seated and looked for that particular dish in the menu, it wasn't there. We were told that the eatery had curated a special menu for V-Day and therefore they did not have that penne pasta dish. We were no longer in a mood to celebrate, laughed over it and left. So, it was funny and disappointing because we went all set to enjoy the food and got back disappointed."
The actor, who is currently seen in Na Umra Ki Seema Ho, shares how he enjoyed his holiday with his two girls and his wife. He says, "It was a perfect time for Ammara in Dubai because she is now independent and enjoy many things on her own and at the same time loves being with us too. Ifza is so small. She wakes up, eats, plays and goes to sleep again. Overall, we had a great time in Dubai."
On the professional front, the actor is seen romancing a much younger actress in his TV show Na Umra Ki Seema Ho. He says, "I liked the concept and role. It is written well. I am glad that people have loved the show."