We may be around 8 months away from the launch of the iPhone 17 series, but it seems the camera specs of the iPhone 17 Pro and Pro Max have already been leaked. Long-time (and often accurate) tipster Digital Chat Station has claimed both upcoming phones will share the exact same front and rear-facing camera modules. The primary camera is said to use a 48MP, 1/1.3-inch sensor, teamed with a 48MP ultrawide module, and a 48MP telephoto camera that'll provide 5x zoom relative to the primary camera. The latest leak also asserts that the iPhone 17 Pro and Pro Max will get a new 24MP selfie camera - a handy upgrade over the 12MP selfie cam in the current iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max.
However, it seems that could be the most notable camera hardware improvement that these iPhone 17 models may offer. If their primary camera sensor is indeed 48MP and 1/1.3 inches in size, then it'll be almost exactly the same size and resolution as the iPhone 16 Pro/Pro Max's main camera sensor, though the sensor in the new telephoto module could be slightly larger. No doubt Apple will manage to find other ways to give the iPhone 17 phones a distinct edge over their predecessors when it comes to camera quality; we'd wager that'll be in the form of more advanced Apple Intelligence.
While the camera hardware in the top iPhone 17 models could be disappointingly similar to what's in the current iPhones, it's possible the camera island could change to a new horizontal design as per this recent rumor. Take this with some salt though, as another Weibo tipster has stated the design might not be signed off until March, so there's still time for the camera island shape to change.
Story credit: GSM Arena