The Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad-based influencer recently stopped her car midway on a highway to make a reel. Once the reel was posted on Instagram, it was massively criticised by her followers. And after it was flagged, Ghaziabad Police slapped a fine of ₹ 17,000 for violating road safety rules. The influencer has been identified as Vaishali Chaudhary Khutail, who has 6,52,000 followers on the social media platform.
The clip shows Vaishali stopping her car midway on a highway. Then she walks on the roadside and strikes several poses as other vehicles pass by.
Taking note of the video, the police issued a fine of ₹17,000 and posts on Twitter, "Charges have been registered at Thana Sahibabad in relation to the viral video on social media by a girl making a reel on the elevated road under Thana Sahibabad area. Advance legal action is being taken. The said car has been challaned by the traffic police for ₹ 17,000 - ACP Sahibabad."
Meanwhile, Vaishali said that she will go live with her Instagram followers on Monday on what really happened. She wrote, "Many people are messaging me in this regard, I'll clear everything this evening during live. Let's connect live."