An anonymous social media account leaking voice notes alleging to be Ferne McCann has been deleted.
Ferne hit headlines when voice notes calling Sam Faiers a 'fat c***' and a 'narcissistic b***h' surfaced appearing to be from her, writes The Mirror.
The Instagram account, which had posted snippets of the WhatsApp notes, now appears to be deleted or temporarily removed. When searched the message "Sorry, this page isn't available," appears. "The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed. Go back to Instagram."
Another page was created using the same username with an added word, 'revealed', placed at the end. There are no posts on the page but Story highlights were added, with them being labelled 'Fake News', 'Truth' and 'Deleted Comments'.
Following the release of the voice notes, Ferne got in contact with the police over the 'leaked' voice notes. An Essex Police spokesperson told the Mirror: "We are investigating a report of malicious communication which was made to us in Brentwood on Thursday 29 September.
"We have spoken to the victim, a woman aged in her 30s, and our enquiries are ongoing." Meanwhile, a source has told The Sun: "Ferne was visited by the police on Thursday night after having her life turned upside down by a fake account that has launched a malicious smear campaign against her.

"Officers spent a few hours with her and gave reassurances that they are prioritising this case, tracking the parties responsible. Having taken statements, the police are currently in the process of tracking the fake account’s whereabouts. The Online Safety Bill was discussed as they clamp down on cyber crime."
In one of the reported 39 audio clips the account claimed to have possession of , the voice called Sam a 'fat c***' in a message sent a month after Sam welcomed her third child. The voice also says: "Her thighs are so big and I looked really skinny today."

Meanwhile, another leaked voice note appeared to show Fern calling Sam a "narcissistic b***h". A third, separate voice note appears to allegedly show Ferne taking a swipe at Billie Faiers over her son being given the same name as Ferne's jailed ex Arthur Collins.
Sam's mum, Suzie Wells, came to her daughter's defence and called the notes 'vile'. However, many fans stood up for Ferne and claimed the audio notes were taken and of context.
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