A man who ran out of places to travel to has created his own micronation - where it's illegal to wear crocs.
DJ Randy "R Dub!" Williams, who's originally from San Diego, also goes by the "Sultan of Slowjamastan".
He explained: "I ran out of countries, so I created my own."
DJ Randy has spent any available time away from the microphone on a mission to visit every country in the world.
With just one left to visit, he's decided to carve out one of his own, a 11,107-acre slice of Californian wasteland for his new "country".
Slowjamastan, which is ruled by its new Sultan DJ Randy, officially declared its independence on December 1, 2021 in a show broadcast from the capital, Dublândia.
Though the country has rolled out a few odd laws, including a prohibition on people wearing Crocs, it does issue its own passports and print its own money - like any other modern state.
DJ Randy has even created a catchy national anthem for official occasions.
Though the number of citizens has not been independently verified, DJ Randy says he has more than 500 subjects, with another 4,500 who have been conditionally approved.
A keen traveller himself, he's now inviting tourists to come visit the world's first "micronation".
“When I’m not on the radio, I’m probably traveling to a country most haven’t heard of,” Williams told CNN.
He spoke just before heading off to Turkmenistan, the last country on his list left to tick off.
“One of the reasons I created Slowjamastan was because, after 193 countries, I wanted a 194th!”

The "country" is actually an arid desert area around two-and-a-half hours northwest of San Diego, which welcomes visitors with an enormous banner and the message "Welcome to Slowjamastan" by the side of the highway.
There's also the Slowjamastan flag flying over his outdoor presidential palace.
He got the idea after visiting a number of "micronations", like Nevada's Republic of Molossia , and decided to create his own.
Another well-known micronation is Freetown Christiania in Denmark.
In Molossia, which declared independence from the US in 1998, DJ randy recalls being showed around by "His Excellency President Kevin Baugh".
The eccentric "leader" claimed Molossia was still at war with East Germany, the Soviet part of the country which returned to Berlin in 1990.
President Kevin also explained how the local currency was made out of chocolate chip cookie dough rather than gold.
One bizarre picture from the visit shows Sultan Slowjamastan posing on the US-Molossia "border".
On his return home to San Diego, DJ Randy began planning to set up his own micronation - shelling out $19,000 for his territory.