History is filled with powerful leader-celebrity duos, from John F Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe to Kim Jong-un and Dennis Rodman.
But as Russia invaded Ukraine and started full-scale war in Europe, many remembered Vladimir Putin's bizarre friendship with Hollywood hardman Steven Seagal. Seagal is an environmentalist, animal rights activist, but also an vocal supporter of Putin - to whom he once referred as "one of the great living world leaders" and "like a brother" to him.
The actor is no stranger to oddness, his former IMDB entry appeared to be written by himself, saying: "Steven Seagal is a striking and somewhat boyishly handsome looking (often with ponytail) and usually impeccably dressed action star who burst onto the martial arts film scene in 1988 in the fast-paced Warner Bros. film Above the Law (1988)."
He also stated in 1997, that His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, had accorded Seagal as a tulku, the reincarnation of a Buddhist Lama.
How did Putin's friendship with Segal start?
The two are said to have bonded over their love for martial arts after meeting at an event.
NPR claims Bob Van Ronkel was responsible for the meeting. His company, Doors to Hollywood, have a special business niche: bringing "American celebrities to Russia and other parts of the former Soviet Union" with the aim of developing a positive image of Russian clients. This has seen this likes of Jim Carrey, Jack Nicholson, Sean Penn, Woody Harrelson all reportedly meet high ranking individuals in Russia.
Seagal is a 7th-dan black belt in aikido and he was the first foreigner to open an aikido dojo in Japan. His skills are vividly shown here, in a terrifically low-energy display.
Menawhile, Putin is obsessed with judo and is an admirer of fighting star Conor McGregor. As the friendship blossomed, Seagal and Putin were pictured attending combat demonstrations together. But Seagal caused outrage when he started backing Putin’s actions, most notably when he supported Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.
Becoming a Russian citizen
Putin and Seagal's friendship was made official in 2016, when the Kremlin leader handed the actor a Russian passport. Seagal called the Russian passport a "great honour" before his his pal Putin told the actor he hoped their "personal relationship will remain and continue".

The former KGB man was true to his word, two years later Seagal was appointed as a special envoy between the US and Russia in August 2018. The Russian foreign ministry announced Seagal would promote relations between Moscow and Washington "in the humanitarian sphere".
Speaking on the honour, Seagal said: "I've always had a very strong desire to do all I can to help improve Russian-American relations. I have worked tirelessly in this direction for many years unofficially and I am now very grateful for the opportunity to do the same thing officially."
Seagal's relationship with Ukraine
Seagal is yet to make his position on Russia invading Ukraine public, but due to his comments about Crimea in 2014, he was banned from entering the country in 2017 - after being considered a threat to their national security. A circulated Ukrainian security service letter then stated such actions are deemed appropriate when someone commits "socially dangerous actions...that contradict the interests of maintaining Ukraine’s security".
Seagal and Russian politics
As well as being a citizen, Seagal remains closely attached to those in Russian power. Just last year he was awarded party membership to a political alliance called Just Russia - Patriots - For Truth, an alliance is consisting of three pro-Putin parties.
Seagal said at the time: "We really need to set up a situation where we can investigate, arrest and prosecute people criminally so that there is results. Without being able to arrest people, when we just fine them, they are probably making more money of the production of the things that are defiling the environment."