Bollywood star kids Ibrahim Ali Khan, son of actor Saif Ali Khan, and Aarav Bhatia, son of actor Akshay Kumar, seem to have become close friends. Days after they were spotted outside a restaurant, an unseen picture of them hanging out with their other friends on that evening has surfaced online.
The picture is from the same day and shows them posing for the camera during their get-together. Both Aarav and Ibrahim are seen twinning in black. The picture also has a boy and a girl in the frame.
The two were seen together on Sunday post their dinner gathering and were surrounded by street children. Both were seen smiling as they enjoyed the attention before leaving together in a car with their friends.
Akshay and Saif have worked together in quite a few films. They last shared the screen space in 2008 film, Tashan, that starred Kareena Kapoor as the female lead. There other films include Yeh Dillagi, Main Khiladi Tu Anari, Keemat and Aarzoo.
Both Akshay and Saif have made it clear that their kids need to complete their education first before they plan to take a plunge in Bollywood or opt for another career option. Saif had recently turned down rumours of his other son, Taimur, making a cameo appearance in one of his or Kareena’s films. He had said, “. “We don’t celebrate our weddings in a certain way, we don’t flaunt our children in a certain (way). I don’t know. People keep expecting and seem to think that the ultimate goal in life is to be in a movie, or to be on Bigg Boss, or something.” Talking about his kids’ film debut, he added, “There’s no perfect age to begin acting. There’s a time, a deserved moment for everything.”
Talking about his son Aarav, Akshay had also said in an interview to Hindustan Times, “He is just a 16-year-old kid, who is enjoying his life. There’s no need to discuss his career right now and put pressure on him. I feel that [kids feeling pressure] will happen only if the parents – in a way – put some kind of burden. I am very clear that whether my kids want to become a painter, doctor or open a restaurant, I am fine. My dad never put any pressure on me. He was like, ‘if you’re interested in sports and karate; and want to be like Bruce Lee, go for it. But become at least half a Bruce Lee (laughs).’
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